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Today’s Weekly Recap is all about Aimee! Also, we didn’t do a recap last week, so this will be for the last two weeks.Life

Basically, nothing really happened in the past two weeks. It was a quiet week in terms of book hauling as well, since I still have a lot of review books to get to, so I resisted requesting some new titles. I also bought three books only (in two weeks), so go me!

And I’m having mini anxiety attacks because I’m going to go through another tooth extraction tomorrow. Dammit, dentists!

#BookHaulthis week’s stack of pretties (links lead to Goodreads)

[open in new tab for larger view]


Velvet by Temple West | The Unlikely Hero of Room 13B by Teresa Toten | Love Fortunes and Other Disasters by Kimberly Karalius

I heard Velvet had a cute romance and hilarious banter, so obviously I just had to get it. And then Kelly (Diva Booknerd) and Cait (Paper Fury) absolutely loved The Unlikely Hero of Room 13 B, so yep. I was pushed, okay? And I’ve been pining for Love Fortunes and Other Disasters since I saw that gorgeous cover!

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About Aimee
Aimee loves being a little bookworm (okay–she doesn’t like being little). She also loves chocolates and sweets but is freaked out by the thought of possibly getting diabetes.

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62 thoughts on “Weekly Recap #4: Books and Anxiety

  1. Ahh anxiety sucks! I get panic attacks and they’re horrible, they were especially bad when I had to get spacers fitted (THE PAIN.) and get a lower orthodontic piece to move my lower jaw. Good luck!! <3

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Ohhh. OHHHH. You have SUCH GLORIOUS BOOKS. Love Fortunes is a romance I’ve been keeping my eye on, a shocking thing for myself, and Cait also convinced me 13B is something I must read. Loved the post on political censorship you linked to — a problem I’m also guilty of, to be honest!


    1. Thank you, Alyssa! I haven’t seen much about Love Fortunes so I’m curious about it as well. Same here! Jess comes up with the best discussions!


  3. Aww, you’ll.be okay poppet. A needle and you’ll be numb to the world, and the plus side could be ice cream and books, tell the parental unit how they’d make you recover faster.

    AIMEEEEEEEEE! I’m absolutely stoked you bought 13b, stoked I tell you! You must read it at once. It’s perfection. But you know, no pressure or anything <3 well, Maybe a little :D


  4. Hope the tooth extractions goes well! You’ll be fine, though. :)

    Yay! You got Velvet! Looking forward to see what you think of it. :D I’m really intrigued by The Unlikely Hero of Room 13B…never heard of it, I’m going to have to check it out. Hope you enjoy all of them!


  5. Ohhhhh. Ouch! I hope your tooth appt isn’t too painful! And hopefully it’ll be so numb you don’t feel a thing. I have a bad toothache I’ve been dealing with.

    I see everyone is excited about the Unlikely hero of room 13b. Goodness I’ve been seeing it around so now it’s on my radar. ;i


  6. DENTISTS. *hisses* I have had so many cavities and HAD TO GET A ROOT CANAL WHEN I WAS 14. And I floss. Most of the time. And never drink soda. I want to stab them all in the face. So, you know, good luck!

    I haven’t actually read any of the books you got! Definitely going to look up 13b, since I haven’t actually heard of it. I feel like I’ve been saying that a lot lately. And THANK YOU <3


    1. Dentists suck! D: I don’t drink soda because the fizz bothers me, but ack, sorry for you!
      The Aussie bloggers have been raving about 13B! :)


  7. Aw good luck with your tooth extraction :$ I remember the Dark Days when I had braces and they hurt so much because my teeth were being squished back into place.

    :Love Fortunes and Other Disasters” has such a beautiful cover! SOmeone just give me a poster of it.


    1. Thanks, Ju! </3 My braces are thankfully gone, and I'm just on retainers now (which are also uncomfortable).
      It does! I want to stick it to my face.


    1. Cait and Kelly both loved it, so I NEEDED IT.
      Ouch! D: I recently had my braces removed too. I’m still scheduled for 2 more extractions in the coming years.


  8. Eeehhh I feel you on dentist anxiety. I HATE going but it’s one of those things you can’t ignore. I am so in love with the cover of Love Fortunes and Other Disasters (and the title too). One day I’ll get to buying it and I look forward to seeing what you think. GAH I made the blogroll! Thanks man! :::Off to figure out how to do that on my blog:::


    1. It is. :( I can’t believe my brother has “perfect teeth” according to our dentist. :/
      It is so gorgeous, and even if the title’s a mouthful I love it! :) *hugs* I love your blog!


  9. The cover of Velvet is just so pretty! I gave it 3.5 stars, I liked it overall although, the twilight fan fiction was too much at times. Awesome book haul Aimee & I look forward to reading your reviews soon.


  10. Good luck with your tooth extraction, and I hope it isn’t too scary! I remember as a kid, I always dreaded the day I would visit the dentist, haha. :P

    I know all of the books you bought, but I had no idea Velvet and Love Fortunes & Other Disasters are already being sold here. Also, I haven’t read The Unlikely Hero of Room 13B, but I want to. :) I’ve seen positive reviews on it so far, and I’m suddenly really curious. Enjoy all your books, Aimee! And hope you have a great week! :)


    1. It’s finally over, Jillian! I still have maybe a year or two before my next one. D:
      They’re available in Fully Booked, girl! :D 13B looks so unique as well. :)


  11. Aw, I am sorry about your tooth, that sounds awful! I would be anxious too, I hope it goes as well as such a thing can! As for the books, they are lovely! I also want to read The Unlikely Hero because of Cait, and Love Fortunes because of the cover. Seriously, I don’t think I care at all what the book is even about, it’s just so PRETTY! Hope you enjoy these, and have a good week!


    1. It was okay! The dentist showed me the tooth after though, which was extremely weird.
      Same sentiments on both books, Shannon! xD Thank you!


  12. AHHH I’M SO PROUD OF YOU. :’) I adore that book and all it’s adorableness and heartbreaking troubles. Like, seriously, I was only thinking about it the other day and considering rereading even though a) I never reread, like ever, and b) I only just read it! BUT GAH. IT’S STUCK WITH ME. Kelly + Me = Epic Book Recs.
    Sadness about the dentist though. I HEAR YA. I used to beg the universe for the zombie apocalypse whenever I have to dentist. The universe is unkind and ignores me. *pouts*


    1. Adorableness is so up my alley, Cait! :D Oh yeah, when you girls give five stars to the same book, it’s an instant purchase for me. ;)
      *shakes fist at the universe for disappointing you*


  13. Good luck on your tooth extraction! (This is coming from someone who’s personally terrified of dentists and anything involving teeth, in general) I might be getting Velvet soon too because of the reviews I’ve read saying it is hilarious as heck.


  14. Ow… Good luck with the visit Aimee! Don’t worry tho I think I they’re use anesthesia.. right? haha but kidding aside, don’t worry I’m sure you’ll be fine and dandy :D

    BTW, I can’t wait to see more of your Blogger Love feature! :D


    1. Thanks, Jules! Yeah, they do. ;) Last time I didn’t feel the needle but this time the anesthesia was suddenly poked into my mouth and ouch. D:
      Thanks lovely! <3


  15. I sort of abandoned my book buying ban. I’m kind of ashamed because I bought like 7. Even though they were pretty cheap since I got them in the Amazon Marketplace. By the way, I totally get you. I despise going to the dentist!!! I think I prefer going to the doctor but I still hate it!


  16. Ewww, tooth extractions. D: I had to extract four in preparation for my braces, but thankfully I didn’t have to pluck them out all in one go. Still, one of the worse experiences ever but thank god for painkillers! I hope it doesn’t hurt too much right now! And hehe, yay us for being good bookworms with self-control. I’ve been pretty good these past few months too; I don’t think I’ve bought anything new since the start of the year, and I’ve only requested maximum 5 books, too. I still have trouble tackling that large review pile, though…

    The cover for Love Fortunes and Other Disasters is so cute! I hope all of these books turn out to be good. :D

    Ermahgerd, your blogroll page is SO. PRETTY. I love how the buttons all fit in so nicely with your theme! Everything is so neat and tidy too, haha. Thanks so much for including my blog. <3


    1. I have to get four removed too! And it’s AFTER the braces for me. :( Two more to go! I’m okay right now though. ;)
      NO NEW BOOKS SINCE THE START OF THE YEAR? Girl, you are on a roll! I don’t have the same self-control as you!
      Thank you so much, lovely! :D And of course you’d be in it! *tackle hugs*


  17. Booo for anxiety but I don’t blame you one bit: dentist stuff freaks me out too D: I hope it all goes smoothly for you!! You got a lot of gorgeous books though, which will hopefully distract you from the dentist stress! I hope you enjoy them all :D xx



    Ahem. Anyway. Yeeeeeep, I dislike dentists greatly. There's nothing ever wrong with my teeth, but I don't know, it scares me to no end. I recently had an appointment (thankfully don't have to have another for six months — there's plenty of time to worry yet) but just thinking about it makes me a little anxious. xD Hope everything went well!


    1. *huggles*
      I used to have really clunky teeth until I got braces, but apparently my jaw’s too small so four have to come off. :( I’m okay now though! :)


  19. Definitely jealous of Velvet over here! I am someone who loved Twilight and lots of people compare the two so I think I will enjoy that one as well. Also, I think the cover is just one of the most gorgeous ones I have seen ^.^


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