Weight of Feathers

Hi guys! I’m really stoked to be a part of The Weight of Feathers blog tour hosted by St. Martin’s Press! Thanks so much for the opportunity!

Weight of Feathers Anna Marie McLemore

The Weight of Feathers
by Anna-Marie McLemore

published on September 15th 2015 by Thomas Dunne
young adult | fantasy | romance | magical realism

find the book on
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For twenty years, the Palomas and the Corbeaus have been rivals and enemies, locked in an escalating feud for over a generation. Both families make their living as traveling performers in competing shows—the Palomas swimming in mermaid exhibitions, the Corbeaus, former tightrope walkers, performing in the tallest trees they can find.

Lace Paloma may be new to her family’s show, but she knows as well as anyone that the Corbeaus are pure magia negra, black magic from the devil himself. Simply touching one could mean death, and she’s been taught from birth to keep away. But when disaster strikes the small town where both families are performing, it’s a Corbeau boy, Cluck, who saves Lace’s life. And his touch immerses her in the world of the Corbeaus, where falling for him could turn his own family against him, and one misstep can be just as dangerous on the ground as it is in the trees.

Beautifully written, and richly imaginative, The Weight of Feathers is an utterly captivating young adult novel by a talented new voice.


5 Words to Describe The Weight of Feathers

1.) Engaging (adj.): very attractive or pleasing in a way that holds your attention.

“One does not wed hens with foxes.”

You all know how much I hate flowery prose, but Anna-Marie McLemore made me fall in love with it. This book just had the perfect blend of easy-to-read and elegant writing. I mean, you could tell that the author writes some kick-ass prose that’s still totally comprehensible and engaging.

It was really hard for me to put the book down–I read until 1 am even when I had to wake up at five the next day, just wanting to get more of McLemore’s beautiful words.

Also: THE TWIST IN THIS BOOK. Asdfghjkl. Very engaging indeed.

2.) Whimsical (adj.): playfully quaint or fanciful, especially in an appealing and amusing way.

“Raise crows and they will peck your eyes out.”

The actual story was just full of whimsy and charm–it was easy for me to get lost in all the magic and mayhem going on in every single page. The elegant writing definitely added to the authenticity of it all.

The fantasy aspects in the book were both adorable and sophisticated at the same time, which might not make a lot of sense now, but you’ll get me once you read the book. (Why yes, I’m totally assuming you’re going to read this book because you can’t resist it.) Anyway, this sophisticated adorableness works wonders the the plot!

3.) Honest (adj.): free of deceit and untruthfulness; sincere.

“Tell me who you’re with and I’ll tell you who you are.”

I’m happy to tell you that the main characters in this book are far from perfect–in a good, realistic way of course! Our hero Cluck is crippled and always armed with a busted lip courtesy of his brother. Our heroine Lace has a huge, red scar on her cheek. But the thing is, these imperfections just made these characters more lovable and a lot easier to empathize with.

Their families were also a far cry from picture perfect. Each of them had family members who weren’t so understanding, and a few who would accept them no matter what. There were also many lies and secrets between families, which added to the ingenuity of the book.

4.) Swoon-worthy (adj.): feels-inducing. The romantic kind. (via me)

“Forbidden fruit is always the sweetest.”

PEOPLE, THIS SHIP. I love it more than I love my life-size teddy bear. Not kidding.

Cluck and Lace just had so much chemistry! The romance wasn’t really slow-burn, but it was paced absolutely perfectly. I never felt that things were happening to fast or without a reason, and GAH, I just wanted to squish their faces together and super glue them there. Okay, maybe not–that sounds kind of disturbing. But you get my point.

The angst made me cry, too. Bonus points because book crying is the best kind of crying.

5.) Gorgeous (adj.): dazzlingly beautiful or magnificent. (via Urban Dictionary)

“He who makes himself an ewe, the wolf eats.”

Overall, I highly, highly–HIGHLY–recommend everyone to pick up The Weight of Feathers if they want some impeccable writing, truthful characters and relationships, an exquisite romance, and a hint of magic.

4.5 stars


Aimee: Hi Anna! I absolutely loved The Weight of Feathers, and I’m so excited to have you on the blog! Thanks so much for taking the time to answer some quick interview questions. Fair warning: I usually ask the most random questions.

Anna: I love random questions! :) Thank you so much for reading TWOF and for having me on the blog!

You’re writing a menu for a new restaurant, and they’re serving The Weight of Feathers. Describe this delicious menu item–make it appetizing! ;)

A French chocolate cake infused with Mexican vanilla, cinnamon, and a little chili powder.

*drools* *coughs* Which are you better at: climbing trees or swimming?

Swimming. No question. I’d love to become a talented tree climber, but I’m much better in water.

*whispers* I suck at both! If you could interview any three YA literary characters, who would they be, and what would you ask them?

Clare Kendry, Daisy Buchanan, and Le Petit Prince. I think I’d just try to get them talking and then I’d just listen.  

Who’s more likely to write a book: Cluck or Lace? And what sort of story would s/he write about?

Probably Lace; Cluck is such a science nerd that he’d probably get distracted with something he wanted to study. Lace might write the story of how her family came to have scales as birthmarks.

I would 100% read that book! If Lace and Cluck came out of the book and met you, what do you think they would tell you?

Lace would probably have some advice for when I put on my mermaid tail. Cluck would probably conspire with my husband to get me to climb a tree.

Anna: Thank you so much for having me!


The Author

Anna-Marie McLemore_NO CREDIT

Anna-Marie McLemore
YA fantasy author

Goodreads | Website | Twitter

Anna-Marie McLemore writes from her Mexican-American heritage and the love for stories she learned from her family. She lives in California’s Central Valley. Her debut novel THE WEIGHT OF FEATHERS, a YA contemporary love story with a magical twist, will be released in 2015 from Thomas Dunne Books/St. Martin’s Press.


This giveaway is open to readers from the US and Canada only–sorry, international friends!

  • one (1) winner will win a SIGNED copy of The Weight of Feathers!

Enter Here


Have you read The Weight of Feathers? If not, is it on your wishlist? Thoughts on the interview?


About Aimee

Aimee loves being a little bookworm (okay–she doesn’t like being little). She also loves chocolates and sweets but is freaked out by the thought of possibly getting diabetes.

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27 thoughts on “5 Words to Describe The Weight of Feathers by Anna-Marie McLemore (Review, Interview and Giveaway!)

  1. This book sounds like something I could really enjoy when I’m in the right mood. And the author’s answers to your (really cool) questions make the whole thing even more appealing. Great post, I’ll definitely add The Weight of Feathers to my TBR! :)


  2. I already have a copy of this book and I’m super excited to read it!! I’ve heard nothing but good things for it. I’m so glad you loved it and that the romance was one of the good kinds. Though I hear that the characters have scales and feathers depending on which family they are from. That kind of remind me of The Girl At Midnight which I ended up not loving. But hopefully I will be able to set that aside.


  3. I hadn’t heard of this book before stumbling across your amazing post, but now I’m so glad it’s caught by eye! Just the title itself sounds intriguing, and the synopsis has pulled me in as well. Loved your interview questions, thanks for sharing :)


  4. This post is perfect! Those 5 words describe the book so accurately… I love that you used “honest” because it really does paint such a realistic picture with characters who have flaws and their experiences feel so real… even though the story is also so full of whimsy!


  5. Okay, you have convinced me, Aimee! I love all 5 of those things, so um, YES. Also, SWIMMING. But umm could the book maybe also come with Anna’s awesomely described French Cake? Like, a special perk for ordering the book? No? ;) Fabulous review and interview! This book sounds SO unique and fabulous!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I’ve heard so many great things about this book, and from how glowing this post has been, I may try and pick up a copy soon! Great way to review the book, and I loved your interview questions :)


  7. This was a wonderful & fun interview! I especially enjoyed the question (and the response) about interviewing three YA literary characters.

    As for The Weight of Feathers, I’ve been wanting to read this and have had a couple of people recommend it to me, so I’ll definitely try to read it soon!


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