Never Never Colleen Hoover Tarryn Fisher

Never Never: Part Two
by Colleen Hoover and Tarryn Fisher

Never Never, #2
published on May 17th 2015
new adult | romance | mystery

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Silas races against time as more truths unravel, while others twist tighter together. And now, the stakes are higher as Silas’ control slips and others begin to point fingers. Charlie is in trouble and he must be the one to bridge the chasm between their past and their present. Because somewhere between I love yous and Never Nevers and Never Agains, a truth they can’t imagine, beckons to be found.

Book Review


Never Never: Part One was have pointless but very readable. Never Never: Part Two? Pointless, predictable and boring. Completely superfluous.

One of the main things I liked in the first part was the (unexplained) spark between Charlie and Silas. See, they were separated for most part of this book, so it definitely lost a big part of its appeal. There wasn’t anything to anchor my interest in the book anymore.

What I generally don’t like about Never Never being a serial is that both parts one and two had hardly any revelations or even hints at revelations. There could have been a couple of small reveals here and there instead of squishing everything into part three, but no.

Because of this, I really felt like this book lacked a purpose. There were a few important things here to bridge parts one and two, but they only frustrated me because a shit ton of scenes in this book were just repeats of scenes in the first book and could’ve just been cut off or changed.

The ending? Flat. And exactly the same as the ending of the first.

Skulls 1


About Aimee

Aimee loves being a little bookworm (okay–she doesn’t like being little). She also loves chocolates and sweets but is freaked out by the thought of possibly getting diabetes.

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21 thoughts on “Mini Review: Never Never (Part Two) by Colleen Hoover and Tarryn Fisher

  1. Hm. Sounds like this really should have been released as a single novel rather than a serial so that everything wasn’t packed into the end. I agree completely – there should be some points of interest in each installment to make you want to continue on. Sorry this was such a disappointment!


  2. Oh no! This book just didn’t do it for you ? I know what you mean though and I HATE when a book is chock full of pointless scenes that lack purpose and have no way of driving us to the ending. I understand your frustration girl and agree there should have been more revelations….or something.


  3. How about part 1? Is it worth it? Well, actually, it doesn’t mind anymore – I had planned on reading it on my vacations (Damn, I have more than 30 books in the vacations list! Lol, I hope I read all of them).


  4. I’m very intrigued with this series because I’ve heard a lot of mixed reviews about it. I’m a Colleen Hoover fan but I haven’t read anything from her since Maybe Someday. I avoided Ugly Love because it’s not my cup of tea. Now this, I haven’t read anything from Tarryn Fisher so I have no idea how she writes so I have no idea what to expect, except be kind of frustrated or excited because that’s what I mostly hear. Who knows, I still might end up checking the book out. Haha!


  5. Yep! It just sucks that these authors decided to go ahead with chopping this up in a trilogy. It is marketing BS that is nothing more than nonsense, and it has done no favor for the quality of the reading experience. I went on quite a rant about the first book myself. Great review.


  6. Noooo that is so disappointing! I have loved every single one of CoHo’s books (except for Confess) but to hear this negative review and that this turned out to be pointless and boring just makes me wary. Lovely review Aimee!


  7. Hmm this doesn’t sound good :/. I surprisingly enjoyed part 1 but I have yet to read part 2. I’m a fan of Colleen but her last two novels were not my favorite and I have read anything from Tarryn since her series. I hope part 3 will be stronger


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