Here’s another pointless post for y’all!

If you’ve been stalking me on Twitter lately, then you probably already know about this annoucnement. But I’m saying it again anyway!

So as of yesterday, 5/26/15, I’ve decided to start organizing blog tours for free! Yep, that’s right. So if you’re an author/publisher, or know an author/publisher looking for someone to help organize an epic blog tour, I’m your girl! Totally check out the services page if you’re interested.

Bloggers, you can also check out our tour hosts page, or sign up directly right here (no spam–I promise!):

Sign Up

Other than that, I wanted to talk about how awesome it was that everyone’s already at NYC preparing for #BEA15. I know I’m not going (I’m just a gazillion miles away, anyway), so when Von @ Mr. Book Wonder started the #BEASupportGroup hashtag on Twitter, I was 100% on board with it.

Non-BEA goers like me, let’s support each other with lots of candy using the #BEASupportGroup hashtag. :)

Also, just because I’m curious–is there anyone already planning to go to BEA in Chicago next year? I miiiight. But really it depends on time and budget!


Did you sign up as a tour host/promote the new service we offer? Are you going to BEA next year, this year, or maybe never?

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About Aimee

Aimee loves being a little bookworm (okay–she doesn’t like being little). She also loves chocolates and sweets but is freaked out by the thought of possibly getting diabetes.

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63 thoughts on “An Exciting Announcement (P.S. I’m Not at BEA)

  1. I’m not sure about BEA next year yet. There’s a tiny chance, but I’m not counting on it :P Don’t want to get my hopes up just to get them crushed again like this year. I am participating in Armchair BEA this year.


  2. Oh wow, this is sheer awesome. Blog tours are nearly the best form of promotion for authors (aside from reviews and word of mouth, I suppose), so it’s amazing that you’ve decided to arrange this.

    I’m interested in setting this up — for a co-review blog if not TDOT — but I see that your sign-up sheet is a mailing list form, so is it that once an author/publisher contacts you about a blog tour, you’ll email everyone and we’ll let you know at that point if we’re interested? SO EXCITED ABOUT THIS OPPORTUNITY. LIKE. THE OCCASION CALLS FOR CAPS.


  3. Haha I love that hashtag! This is awesome service Aimee, and you’re even doing it for free! I look forward to your epic blog tours in the future :) Better yet, I’ll even join in ;) There’s a chance I’m going next year! We shall see!


  4. Wow, that was nice of you girls to offer services for free. Good luck with that project. Ah, BEA, I don’t know if I could ever be in one, it’s too expensive to travel to US, plus VISA processing & all that. Australia is the easiest country for me to get in & out because of my sister. But I truly hope you’ll able to go there!


  5. Oh no! But don’t worry, I’m not at BEA, either. Just in the armchair. I have family in New York, so they’d be super upset if I went to a convention instead of seeing them! Awesome that you’re organizing tours now- that seems like a huge step for a blog! I’d love to participate!


    1. I decided against doing Armchair BEA this year just because I don’t think I have time… Ha! I think my parents would want me to go sightseeing rather than go to BEA as well.
      Thanks so much, Danni! :)


      1. I can get you there! The questions aren’t even all that hard this year and I’m finding it’s really difficult for me to make time. When did we get so busy?!


  6. It’s during my finals and my new school is super strict about this stuff, but Chicago is only like, a 3 hour drive from my school so I HAVE TO GO. I NEED TO. NEEEEED. MUST GO. It would be the coolest if we got to meet <3


  7. Ahh I’m so excited that you decided to start a blog tour, and have services for FREE! I will definitely love to be a tour host. I sooo want to attend BEA next year in Chicago! As soon as information is released about where the location will be, I’m going to do my planning! I’m already discussing the trip with some bloggers that want to go next year, so yes girl, let’s make it happen!


  8. This IS some pretty exciting news, Aimee! I’m definitely signing up for being a tour host. :) And as would any book lover, I would love to go to BEA next year, but honestly, I’m not so sure if that’s possible. Chicago is relatively far away from Hawaii. Hope you’ll be able to, though!


    1. Thanks, Julia Anne! :) Ah, I know how you feel! I’m basically at the other side of the world and a plane ride would take more than half a day for me. D:


  9. The book tours sounds exciting & it’s sweet of you to do them without a charge :) I’m not going to the BEA this year, although I live right in NY. Maybe next year who knows? The budget seems too much plus it’s quite over crowding there.


    1. Thanks, Kaitlin! =) I feel that way too. My parents are on board with me going, but I myself am not ready, haha. (Plus money is a problem.)


  10. I will definitely sign up as a tour host! As for BEA, I think I’m in the ‘maybe someday’ category. It’s on my to-do-list, but I’m not sure when will I go there (but certainly not next year since I’m not capable of travelling alone and it’s expensive!). Anyway, hope you can go next year, Aimee :)


    1. Thanks, Tiffany!
      It’s on there for me too. I can’t travel alone either and it’s expensive, but I think my parents are opening up to the idea of going with me! :)


  11. Wow, hosting blog tours is going to be really tough! I’ll be supporting you all the way, Aimee! :) I’ll definitely sign up as a tour host!

    I wish BEA happens in different parts of the country every year, and not just in one country. I mean, if it ever happens in like Japan or anywhere that’s really near here, there’s a bigger chance I could possibly go haha :-) Sadly, it only happens in the US, but I’M HOPING *fingers crossed*


    1. Thanks so much, Jillian. =)
      Yes! We have MIBF here, but there are usually only a few local authors there, and you still have to pay for the books! :(


  12. This is awesome Aimee! I know that being a blog tour host is really hard and requires a lot of work, so good luck girl! I am so excited for you!:)
    Well, I don’t think I’ll ever be able to go to BEA in the near future. It’s too far from my country, and until I grow up and can travel alone using my own money, BEA is an impossible dream for me.


  13. Ooh! That sounds really exciting about hosting blog tours! That will be great. :) As you know, I’m definitely planning on going to BEA next year, I’ve looked at flight costs and checked the dates. I have a ton of arcs for the next few months, so I didn’t sign up as a host, but I may at a future time. :)


  14. I got kind of depressed when I heard BEA was moving to Chicago, because that’s so far from me. I’m not going this year because I’m really new to blogging and my schedule doesn’t work out very well with school and everything, but I hope to go one year!


    1. Aw, sorry to hear that, Ana! I think even new bloggers are able to go though, but it’s just tougher to snag a press pass. Hopefully you’ll get to go one year, lovely!


  15. Organizing blog tours? That sounds awesome, I’m totally going to sign up as a host! I love the BEA support group hashtag, that’s so great! Unfourtantly, I am broke and plan on being broke next year too(haha) and it’s not like half a world away from me but still pretty far so I sadly probably won’t be able to go next year either… One day though! One day. =)


  16. This is so exciting girl <33 I filled out that form for ya. And yes, I'm internally dying because I'm not at BEA this year. But next year is looking promising (: Lol I think it'd be a great gift for making it through my first year of uni without dying. It'd be beyond amazing to meet both you and Faye! <33


  17. I think it’s great that you’re organizing blog tours now! Go you! As for BEA I am dying to go! Unfortunately I live in Puerto Rico so distance is quite a problem for me. Also, I’m not capable of travelling alone :( And convincing my parents will take a looooot of work. It seems like such a great experience, though. And meeting other bloggers would be absolutely amazing. Hopefully, I can make it happen next year!


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