Let’s make 2016 even more awesome and badass than 2015 was!

2015 ended up being a heck of a year for me, surprisingly. I mean, let’s all be honest here. I was thinking 2015 was going to be a year of 95% shit and 5% blogging + reading, but it ended up being a year of new experiences and also some shit (but let’s not talk about that). So many things happened blog-wise and personal-life wise that will stick with me for a while. Possibly forever.

But instead of looking back, let’s look forward, to all the fabulous things we’re going to make happen in 2016.

Community Goals

1. READ MORE BOOKS. Okay, fine, I did set my Goodreads goal to only 100 books, but that’s actually WAY more books than I think I can read next year since I’ll be strolling around China for two months, and the rest of the ten months will be spent in school. Ick. ANYWAY. As of today (1/1/2016), Goodreads says that more than 11,800 books have been read already, and the day hasn’t even ended in most countries yet! LET’S GO, BOOKWORMS!!

2. SPREAD THE BOOKISH LOVE. The only thing better than reading books is reading books with other people. Spend some time pushing your friends to read your favorite books, and if you’re successful, discuss!

Personal Bookish Goals

1. READ AT LEAST 100 BOOKS. Yep, I can do this. GET LOST, SCHOOL.

2. READ AT LEAST 20 BOOKS PUBLISHED BEFORE 2016. I have an extreme love for new releases, but 20 books is a dent in my gigantic TBR and it’s doable. I think.

3. MEET UP WITH MORE BOOKNERDS. I AM AVAILABLE ON THURSDAYS AND SUNDAYS. Saturday dinners are great, too. Just don’t kidnap me and take me to your supreme overlord to sell my liver in the black market.

4. GO TO MORE BOOKISH EVENTS. And, you know, actually socialize with the people there.


6. POST AT LEAST 3 TIMES A WEEK ON MY BOOKSTAGRAM. Y’all should follow me @aimeereads because I’m fabulous and we both love books. You’re welcome.

7. PROMOTE MY REDBUBBLE STORE. I already have a bookworm merch page here on the blog (which you should totally check out, btw) and I’m excited as crap to keep designing. I’m thinking of putting up a suggestions form too. *wink*

Personal Life Goals

I have a crapload of personal life goals for this year, but generally, they include:

1. HUG MORE PEOPLE. It’s a legit goal, okay?!

2. DON’T DITCH OR GET DITCHED IN PROM. 27th January, I’M REALLY NOT READY FOR YOU. My dress isn’t even ready yet. Holy crap. I feel like I’m going to look like a pink puff ball.

3. GET FLEXIBLE. After the cheering experience this year, I kinda want to go again next year. Hopefully I’ll be able to split or even do a cartwheel by then. *prays to the Flexibility Gods*

4. SURVIVE IN CHINA. Pretty self-explanatory.

5. BE LESS SOCIALLY AWKWARD. After four years of being stuck with the same people in class, we’re going to shuffle next year and I’m going to have new classmates. That’s scary.

And that’s a wrap!

Really, I’m just hoping for 2016 to be as–if not more–amazing as 2015, both for you and for me and the entire human race. Got the reference?  So here’s to a fantabulous 2016!

Your turn!


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About Aimee

Aimee loves being a little bookworm (okay–she doesn’t like being little). She also loves chocolates and sweets but is freaked out by the thought of possibly getting diabetes.

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34 thoughts on “Let’s Make 2016 an Awesome Year!

  1. Oh my, you’ll be in China! EAT ALL THE CHINESE FOOD, OKAY AIMEE? I don’t think I can read 100 books, but I will definitely read like SO MANY. I’m loving the Redbubble + Society6 craze in the blookunity lately, it’s just FANTASTIC and will make me broke before I even buy enough books for a TBR monstrous enough to kill me. I’m sure you’ll rock this year :D


    1. YES, MY HOMELAND. Sort of. Heh. xD And yes! Once I get my credit card, I’ll probably go on a little RedBubble/Society6 shopping spree. ;) Thanks so much, Alyssa!! Have an awesome 2016! :)


  2. Happy New Year, lovely!!! <33 Good luck with all of your bookish and life goals this year!!! :)

    My bookish goals include reading more "me" books, accepting less ARCs and minimizing the stress of not having enough time to read, finding bigger blocks of time to sit and read in one sitting, and growing my bookstagram account! <33


  3. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! <3

    My goals are: To do a pirouette, to take more dance classes, to read more and to get As in my exams. GOOD LUCK TO THE BOTH OF US! XD

    And ooh, enjoy China! I really want to go there :D


  4. Even if most of what happens is shit, it’s what you do with it that counts, yeah? So go forth and roll around in all of it! Or don’t, but I’ll be over there frolicking in it. But I digress.

    Sending you positive vibes for 2016, Aimee! Keep being awesome.


  5. Great goals Aimee! Hope you can achieve all of them! I definitely want to read more this year but I want to keep a balance between studying and reading because that scale reeeeally got bent in 2015! Also, I hope to read all the paperbacks and ebooks that I already have and minimise the arc pile. And wish you a very Happy New Year! :-D


  6. Fabulous goals, Aimee. I wish you all the best for 2016, including ALL THE AWESOME BOOKS (which you will then blog about and get me all excited for and then I shall read the series and get hooked on it…and so the cycle continues!)



  7. Happy New Year, Aimee! And I wish you the best of luck. I aim to be more organized on the blog this year, and I will also try not to get offended when people end up hating the book I recommend them to read. Lol.


  8. Good Luck with your goals! And China!!!!!! That’s exciting.
    I definitely want to get involved more in the book community. Things like joining more readathons, group reads, things like that! I always feel like those are fun and big parts of the book community, but I just never participate in most of them. So that’s something I want to focus on this year!


  9. YAY CHINA!! I strolled around China for a month a few years ago. Literally. walked. everywhere. Because for some reason when my family gets lost, they think they can solve it by WALKING EVERYWHERE instead of asking for directions. *dies a little in remembrance* AHEM. BUT ANYWAY. I hope you have a good time. ;D
    Also these are fabulous goals!! I’m still trying to work out mine. Hehe. XD


  10. Happy New Year! And good luck with your 2016 goals! Reading more books I own was a goal I had last year but didn’t do quite as well as I had hoped so I’m going to work harder on that one. I’ve totally given up on trying to be less awkward! Lol. At my age, I think I’m stuck this way! I am hoping to improve on my Instagram photos this year. I hope you have a great time in China!!


  11. AWESOME GOALS. I want to go to China. No fair. And you’re free on Thursdays and Sundays, you say? *jumps on a plane right now*

    OH I want to be more flexible too. I can still do cartwheels and round-offs but definitely not splits O_O


  12. Hehehe, talk about being with the same people for the past four years, I’VE LEGIT BEEN IN MY SCHOOL FOR NINE YEARS. Nine. *whispers* n i n e. Which means I’m in serious trouble when I’m starting college, and I need to brach out and get better at talking to people. *nods*

    Hugging people is a wonderful goal…I’m adding it to my own list too, because hey, there’s no harm in making everyone happier ;) Happy New Year, Aimee <3


  13. Awwww this post is adorable and you’re adorable Aimee ♥♥ Good luck with ALL of your goals for the new year. I hope you’ll enjoy CHINA and take lots of pictures so all of us can live vicariously through what I’m sure will be an amazing experience for you :D Enjoy school, PROM, cheering, ALL THE BOOKS and ALL THE HUGS. Here’s a virtual one to get you started *HUG*


  14. Aw these are fabulous goals! I definitely want to meet more booknerds in person too! And China! That sounds so amazing! I need to try to get my Instagram act together too- I end up doing it in spurts, and then forgetting about it for long periods haha. And Good luck with your store! Your designs are SO cute, so I am sure you will do great. Hope that 2016 is the best year yet <3


  15. Good luck with all your goals this year, Aimee! You’ll do great, and 2016 will be a FANTASTIC year for you! One of my goals is to definitely become less socially awkward too! HIGH FIVE FOR BEING SOCIALLY AWKWARD TURTLES. WOO.


    I think all these are pretty awesome goals. OMG. I need to work on my social awkwardness as well. And the HUGGING. I dislike touching people in general, so it’s always awkward when I have to hug friends and such.
    I’m excited that people are starting to focus on past releases too this year. It’s my goal to at least read 5 a month and I really hope I can stick to it!
    Good luck with your goals, Aimee!


  17. You’re going to be a GORGEOUS pink puffball! ;P

    I’m doing 80 books this year, which means I’ll probably read 95. I just keep looking at what I ACTUALLY read the year before and using that as my new goal. :P


  18. My goodreads challenge is set at 100 as well…it’s been the same for the last few years, but uni has prevented me actually achieving it for the last 2…
    I’m determined to finish it this year, though!


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