author love

Have you ever wanted to tell an author things like, “HOLY SHIT YOUR BOOK IS THE MOST AMAZING THING THAT HAPPENED SINCE I WAS BORN!” but have never had the courage to?

Well then, let me help you with that!

Believe it or not, authors typically don’t feel annoyed when they’re bombarded with love. Most of the time, they’ll even respond and let you know that you’ve totally made their day.

But HOW do you let them know you love them? Here are a few ways you might want to try:


Personally, my favorite method of contacting authors is to simply tweet to them. And if you don’t have a Twitter account, I highly suggest that you make one.

Most authors are really active on Twitter and will see your tweets, and possibly favorite/retweet/respond. :) You’ll definitely get quicker replies here than you would via email or snail mail!

*You can typically find authors’ Twitter handles by searching for their names on Twitter, or on their Goodreads’ profiles, or on their author websites.


Okay, so maybe your love for a certain author can’t be expressed in just 140 characters. If that’s the case, definitely shoot them an email! You’re less likely to get a response because authors are very busy people, but they appreciate all the emails, I promise!

You can go ahead and list down EVERYTHING you loved about them and their book, maybe even add links to anywhere else you may have expressed your gushing.

*You can find authors’ emails via their author websites.


I’ve never tried this yet, being an international reader and not having the funds to send snail mail all the way to the US, but if I were an author, I would totally cry and smile if I received personalized snail mail.

It just seems more intimate to receive something that’s maybe handwritten and with little doodles and whatnot. :) The length of the message is also pretty relaxed.

*Some authors provide their addresses on their websites, but if they don’t, maybe try asking via email!


If you have some creative bones in you, then consider creating fanart! You don’t know how awesome it is for authors to see their words turn into pictures and real, tangible items!

You can create drawings, posters, Tumblr edits, etc. etc! Let them know via Twitter or anywhere else that you did something for them! I remember that one time I did an edit for Krista and Becca Ritchie…

And I was over the moon when Becca told me it gave her feels!


Okay, maybe the authors won’t know if you actually read their books, but it’s one of the best ways to show support to an author and to prove your love for them!

Plus by doing this, you can totally own that “hardcore fan” title. ;)


Reading all an author’s books is amazing, but reviewing their books is another great way to help, support and love authors.

This is sort of similar to sending them a love-filled email… except that it’s public. And hey, what better way to spread love than to spread it with everyone? Am I right or am I right?


How do YOU show love to authors? OR DO YOU? Have you ever tried doing any of these? Did I miss anything? TELL ME YOUR SECRETS.


About Aimee

Aimee loves being a little bookworm (okay–she doesn’t like being little). She also loves chocolates and sweets but is freaked out by the thought of possibly getting diabetes.

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71 thoughts on “How to Tell an Author You Love Them

  1. IF ONLY I COULD ART. I WOULD MAKE *ALL* THE FANART. But yeah my favourite method is tweeting, haha. The amount of fangirling when Dhonielle Clayton and Sona Charaipotra followed me (Tiny Pretty Things authors, btw)…yeah, that was intense. And even becoming FRIENDS with authors, like Aussie authors especially, is just so great :)


    1. I KNOW. I would love to draw something for them, but… No. xD Ahh, when authors follow you back it feels like there’s a rainbow on top of your head! ;D


  2. *whispers* Did you include the wrong header image? I just thought I’d mention it?

    I would never have the courage to fanmail authors. Like, never. Okay, maybe on Twitter or Tumblr, but an actual genuine letter? IT’S TOO STRESSFUL. I don’t make fanart, mainly because I have such a shaky handle on character appearances, although I have made a couple of quote posters for other online writers. Oh, and also fanmixes. But reading + reviewing is definitely the best ALL THE WAY.


    1. I DID. o__o Thanks, Alyssa! Fixing it right now. D:

      I would want to try sending snail mail, but yes to it being tiresome! Also shipping fees. D: Reading and reviewing may go unnoticed, but they’re fantastic ways to support authors!


  3. I’m way too shy to tweet/interact with them but there were instances I found the courage to do so and they replied, it made me swoon really hard! I guess, I’m the silent type of supporter, I’ll just find a way to fangirl to that author in my own introvert ways. ;D


  4. Great post. I’ve never tried fan art, or emailing them, but I try and show my love through my reviews and some tweets on Twitter. Thanks for a great post.


  5. Another way to show love – post your reviews onto Amazon and B&N and other retail sites!! I’ll admit that I get super behind on this, but you know. LIFE. LAZINESS.

    I have never actually sent an email to an author gushing about their book, haha. Or ever sent one at all, I think. IT SEEMS SO SCARY. I have far less chances to screw up in 140 characters.


    1. YES. I actually don’t do that b/c I don’t have an Amazon account (I use my parent’s!), but authors will really appreciate it. :D
      It IS VERY SCARY. But I’ve tried, and I’ve made typos and stuff before, but authors are lovely people. :)


  6. Yes yes yes YESSSS!!! I personally prefer Twitter over all of these but, lately, I’ve been sending e-mails too (along with tweets; tweets are a must for me). Because I’ve become really close with a few authors thanks to Twitter. So there’s that. And I know how much reviews help authors so I try to review every book I love (although at times this is HARD, especially when I’m at a lost for words *coughs Simon vs coughs*). As for fan arts, I did water color paintings and a couple of handwritten notes for Becky and Adam and asked my childhood best friend to send them over when she visited here last May. Becky absolutely loved them (Adam still didn’t receive his; Becky have them)! Lesson? AUTHORS DEFINITELY LOVE FANBOYS/GIRLS. And even if some don’t regularly respond to readers, it doesn’t mean they don’t appreciate or see these things. So SPREAD THE LOVE.


    1. I totally agree, Miel! I only send emails if I really, really, really adored the book (which is sadly pretty rare), but tweets are a must! :) And that is SO awesome. I wish I could teleport to the US to print some of my graphics out for the authors. :)


  7. I don’t use Twitter much but it is really good for a quick omg squee-ing at you! type thing. lol


  8. YES! I generally always tweet the authors whose books I’ve loved and when they reply I fangirl to the extreme. I remember once when I first started my blog, I emailed one of my favorite authors and told her how much I loved her books and how I’d started a book blog and her books meant a lot to me and she REPLIED and I could barely breathe for a good ten minutes haha!


    1. SAME. Sometimes I have to gush to my mom, who honestly does not care… But I must. ;) I KNOW THE FEELING. Also when I ask something and they answer = DEAD.


  9. Awesome post, Aimee. If I REALLY love a book by an author, I tweet them. I don’t really feel comfortable with emails, but Twitter for me is a great way of showing them love.


  10. I really do not do much at all, but I WISH I did. Because fajskld authors are so incredible and I think they deserve ALL THE LOVE. Especially when things can get so negative online. Positivity and fangirling must make their days. :)


  11. I did create some book quotes graphics for The Color of Our Sky by Amita Tasi. She found out about it and shared it to her Facebook page and even contacted me!! Now, I’m going to interview her! Aaaaahhh <3


  12. Great post Aimee! I love twitter for bringing me so close to authors. Like omg they faved my tweets!! I would love to try the snail mail route one day haha.


  13. Great post! I never thought of writing a snail mail letter to an author but I love writing letters and who doesn’t love getting mail (that isn’t bills)? The next time I want to tell an author I loved their book, I’m going to write a letter! Who knows? Maybe they will send me something in return. :)


  14. This is such a great (and helpful, especially to newer readers!) post! I love showing authors love when I especially adore a book. I wish I could do something cool like fan art, but alas, I am not artistic, so I leave that to you more talented individuals ;)

    I basically squeal about the book everywhere I can, buy it if I just had an eARC, and of course, tell EVERYONE I know to buy it, read it, and obviously, LOVE IT :D


  15. This is perfect. I don’t really connect with authors anywhere on the social media, but I really should put more effort into it, because I know it makes a lot of people’s days. I know it would totally make my day if I were a published author! :) I tend to write glowing reviews where I can and make sure everyone sees it hahaha.


    1. I love writing raving reviews! Then I’ll promote those reviews like crazy, because some books just deserve all the attention they can possibly get. ;)


  16. I do so love Tweeting an author and embarrassing myself by obsessively fangirling over their book ;-) I can never do it in person because I tend to freeze up and just smile like a crazy person without actually saying anything, so Twitter is a nice way for me to actually get words out ;-)


  17. Awesome of you to post ideas! Wow, I think I have done all of these! I love tweeting/emailing/making fan art. For Christmas, I sent 4 authors cards with small letters in them–and I’ll probably do the same this year. Twitter is everything, though. Because, it led to be able to be closer with them or fangirl over those books, which is fun. Fan art is also another fun way. Reviewing can be so hard sometimes, because WHERE ARE THE WORDS TO EXPRESS THE FEELS! But, I still try to review. Great post, Aimee! And, maybe you can toss something in the mail if you end up visiting the US for BEA, or something!


  18. I still haven’t gotten myself into Twitter, but I have to be honest and say that I have no idea how to use it… I really need to look into that. Fantastic post!


  19. Yesss tweeting authors is the best thing if you loved their book! They are usually so sweet and grateful :) I think any type of love that we show for their writing would be awesome! You are wonderful for even making those graphics too Aimee :) Great post!


  20. I definitely agree with Tweeting! It’s a quick way to show an author how much you appreciate their work, and I love getting a favourite or reply from them in return :)
    I feel like fanart would be so awesome to get as an author- you’ve written something that has affected someone so much that they channel some creativity to celebrate your work. That’s got to feel good!


  21. Great tips here Aimee! Tweeting is definitely a great way to connect with authors, and it definitely is the quickest too generally. I haven’t really tried fanart yet, but who knows – when I find that next book I fall in love with, I may just be struck with some creative inspiration…
    Thanks for sharing :)


  22. I have tried everything up there except the snail mail and fanart! I think the latter is out of the question, as I have zero artistic talent, but maybe I should start trying the former! I myself adore snail mail, both receiving and sending them, and it is an awesome idea!:)
    Great post, Aimee!


    1. I really want to try snail mail too, Mishma! And the one you gave me was super adorable–what do you mean you don’t have artistic talent? ;D


  23. This is a great post Aimee! I always love showing authors some love and it makes me feel great when I can make their day. :) I have never actually emailed an author but tweets have been used to praise an author a lot. Fanart is something I will ever do, if I had a gun help to my head. I am really really bad at drawing and if I were to post my art it would look pretty pretty bad, I’m sure aha. Snail Mail is something I have yet to do as well. It would be fun though! Writing a handwritten letter telling an author how much you love their books…

    ~Kaitlin @ Next Page Please!


  24. Even at my age, I still get a little fangirly when interacting with authors on Twitter. Not to sound biased, but I find Aussie and Kiwi authors by far the friendliest and not only follow bloggers, but the love they have for readers never ceases to amaze me. Every so often, I still try to get Tahereh Mafi to acknowledge me. I’m still living in hope for the dream.


    1. Gah. I follow some Aussie authors on Twitter and I haven’t read their books yet so I don’t interact, but they are so sweet when chatting to y’all. :) One day, girl!


  25. I made a major error and didn’t include the questions for the nominees in my post. So, here you go.

    1. If you could go hang out with 2-3 characters for a day, where would you go (fictional), what would you do and why would you do it?
    2. If you could build something using multiple copies of your favorite book of 2015, what would you build, and why?
    3. What is your favorite color?
    4. Sci fi or fantasy? Why?
    5. What are three of your favorite TV show? Which set of characters are most likely to win a swordfight?
    6. Why did you start blogging?
    7. What is your favorite thing to do that is in no way related to the book world, books, or the community?

    Liked by 1 person

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