To celebrate my birthday, I thought it would be great to mention five books that really changed my life and made me the reader I am today.

1. The Hunger Games / Suzanne Collins

To be fair, I know probably everyone has read this, but I still can’t help recommending it. It is such an incredible story and the characters are absolutely fantastic and memorable. This is the book that really got me into reading YA, which definitely is a testament to its quality.



2. Dangerous Girls / Abigail Haas

Before reading Abigail Haas’ Dangerous Girls, the amount of YA mysteries I had read and really enjoyed was at a bare minimum. Thankfully, fellow bloggers convinced me to give this a try and I am so glad I did. The mystery itself is wonderfully done and the ending is mind-boggling. If you want to start reading more mysteries, hands down, this is the best book to start with. (Or worst, depending on your view since it no book can come close to it.)



3. Flipped / Wendelin van Draanen

I’m not someone who typically reads or enjoys romance novels, but I absolutely adored Flipped. Not only is it absolutely hilarious, but the character dynamics and the story itself are so incredibly realistic, and you can’t help but remember when you were in a similar scenario.



4. Tiger Lily / Jodi Lynn Anderson

Beautiful, elegant and absolutely heart-breaking. The writing in Tiger Lily is like nothing I’ve ever read before, and the story even more enchanting. Anderson’s ability to incorporate J.M. Barrie’s original story while still managing to make it her own is astounding. And, of course, the romance between Peter Pan and Tiger Lily is pheonominal, and the ending, while heart-breaking, even more so.



5. The Giver / Lois Lowry

Lois Lowry has a way of taking a rather simplistic topic and turning it into something absolutely wonderful while still managing to give it some twists of its own. The Giver is one of the most thought-provoking books I have ever read, and the ending is absolute perfection. You won’t be able to stop thinking about this, even months after you finish it.


So! Have you read any of these? Are any of them on your TBR lists?



For this giveaway, you can win any book listed up above!

Here are the giveaway guidelines:

♥ Giveaway is open internationally as long as TBD ships to your country.
♥ I am not responsible for any package lost or damaged in the mail, and neither is Amir.
♥ Giveaway is open to anyone over 13 years of age.
♥ All entries will be checked. We have the right to consider your entries void if tasks are not completed.
♥ Winner will have three days/72 hours to respond to my email before another winner is chosen.
♥ All information needed (email addresses, shipping addresses, etc.) will only be used for shipping and contacting purposes and will be deleted once the giveaway is over.




About Zoe

Zoe is a critical reviewer. When she’s not reviewing, you can find her performing in plays / musicals, doing gymnastics, or designing websites.

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49 thoughts on “Zoe’s Birthday Post + Giveaway!

  1. Happy happy birthday again, Zoe! :D I’m lucky to have you here as a co-blogger because you are absolutely fabulous! <33 I hope you have an awesome entire year to come, and happier birthdays in the coming years. :)

    And awesome recs–The Hunger Games and Dangerous Girls are both amazing, and I really enjoyed both Flipped and The Giver. :)


  2. Happy, happy birthday Zoe!! Hope you enjoy your day and continue being awesome!

    I am so ashamed I haven’t read anything from that list except The Hunger Games (yes, WHAT!) but because you recommend them, I am now planning to. :)


  3. Happy Birthday Zoe! Continue being fabulous.

    Since I’m one of the 1% of people who haven’t read the Hunger Games yet (I know I know THE SHAME) this made me want to read it even more. Soon lovely book soon…


  4. Happy birthday, Zoe! Thanks for the wonderful giveaway! Dangerous girls was SUCH an amazing book! I can’t believe that I put off reading it for so long. It definitely lived up to the hype. Thanks for the recommendation, too; I’m particularity interested in reading Flipped.


  5. HAPPY BIRTHDAY ZOE!! Those books sound so amazing and I’ve heard a lot of bloggers raving about them. But. Of the five books you recommended…I only read one. (what a shame!) Dangerous Girls and The Giver sound so awesome, I feel like I simply HAVE TO read them :p.


  6. Happy Birthday to you! Hope you have a wonderful, awesome birthday. My birthday is the 24th! Thank you for the giveaway. It would be a wonderful present. ;)


  7. Happy birthday! :) To be honest, I haven’t read any of them *hangs head in shame*. I have watched the Hunger Games movies though (does that count? hehe) and I’ll be watching The Giver as well. Dangerous Girls is on my tbr, keep hearing great things about that one. Adding Tiger Lily now cause well, Peter Pan <3 but the I'm interested in knowing how the story plays out. Hope you have a wonderfully fantastic day Zoe! *throws confetti and balloons*


  8. Happy birthday, Zoe!!! *throws confetti* I haven’t read ANY of the titles on your list, but I have been meaning to give The Hunger Games a whirl (I have seen the movie though, I know, I know, I suck), so thanks for the chance to win!


  9. Happy Birthday Zoe! I’d love to read Tiger Lily and Dangerous Girls which you have on your list – they both look amazing! :)


  10. HAPPY BIRTHDAY ZOE!! :) I wish you all the best and I truly hope you’ll celebrate with some books ;) That’s how we do it ;) I love your list and thank you so much for this amazing giveaway :)


  11. I’ve only read The Hunger Games (duh) and Dangerous Girls. Although, I added the three other books on my To-Read shelf and WILL read them for sure someday. I’ve heard a lot of The Giver and Flipped. Not so fan on romance-centered stories but that one looks lovely. ^^


  12. Happy Birthday Zoe!!! *throws confetti and cake in your hair* ARE YOU TURNING OLD THIS YEAR? You obviously have epic taste in books, btw, and the only one of these I haven’t read is Flipped. :)


  13. HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY, ZOEEE! <3 I hope your day was fantabulous, and that you got at least one book from your wishlist. :D Thank you so much for the giveaway, and sharing those 5 books with us. I have only read The Hunger Games so far, so I'll have to get onto the others! Also, thank you so much for the giveaway. <3


  14. Happy Birthday!! :) I’ve only read The Hunger Games, so clearly I need to check out the rest. I have Tiger Lily and have heard amazing things about it. Hopefully I can get to it soon. :)


  15. Have a wonderful birthday!!! Those books you recommended are on my top priority TBR, except for The Hunger Games as I have read that already. :)


  16. HAPPY BIRTHDAY ZOE <33 I'm a bit late but I hope it was totally amazing. I miss you a lot okay. Those are some great book choices too. Lol I've read them all except for Flipped, which sounds totally adorable. I would definitely pick that one if i won the contest.


  17. GYAHHH, I AM SO LATE TO THIS PARTY, BUT — HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY, ZOE!!! Please accept this delicious-looking cake as a plea for forgiveness?

    I know we haven’t known each other long, but it’s been wonderful getting to know you better, as well as reading your cool blogs! So stay awesome, and I hope you had a great birthday celebration. <3 And I love your list of life-changing books! Sadly, I've only read one of them (THG), but the rest are definitely on my list.

    Happy birthday once again, hon! *throws confetti*


  18. FLIPPED! THE HUNGER GAMES! DANGEROUS GIRLS. Hell yeah them books are fabulous and totally opened my eyes up to new genres. Anyway, let’s get to the important stuff…

    HAPPIEST OF BIRTHDAYS TO YOU, ZOE! I’m so sorry about the belatedness, I blame my absence on Twitter last week.


  19. Happy, happy birthday! Talking about books that have influenced you is a great way to celebrate. :) I 100% agree about Tiger Lily – it’s hands-down one of the most gorgeously written and brilliantly crafted books I’ve ever read. And Dangerous Girls! I’m so glad you gave that one a chance – your analysis about starting your YA mystery journey with that novel is spot-on.


  20. Oh god so late haha. This is what I get for not checking my Bloglovin feed regularly enough…
    Anyway, Happy Birthday for the 18th! Hope you had an amazing day and got loads of awesome presents and got to eat a delicious cake :D



    BUT HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU ZOE!!! <3 <3 <3 *confetti everywhere!!!!!*
    I hope you have/had a great day, on this very special day! more books and cake and ice cream and happiness to you Zoe!! :D


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