Stephanie Perkins Manila Signing

Let’s be honest here. I was really, really hesitant to go to the Perkins signing here in Manila since we did have a lot of things to study on that day. And now that it’s over–I just want it to happen again!

*For those of you who don’t know her, Stephanie Perkins is the awesome author of Anna and the French Kiss, Lola and the Boy Next Door, as well as the upcoming Isla and the Happily Ever After--absolutely adorable, fun and sweet contemporary romances!

We (Dyan and I) arrived at the registration area (or outside it, to be precise) at around 9 AM, which is an hour earlier than the registration time. Get this–there were already more than 300 people in line before us! A friend of ours, Shannelle (The Art of Escapism), arrived at 6:30 AM. I was still catching some Z’s then. AND THEN I FOUND OUT that Francine (The Not-So-Literary Heiresses) arrived at 6:oo. (Seriously, people!? Don’t you need to sleep? ._.)

Timing and staff treatment was so much better this time around (compared to the mess at VTR in PH). The event started just on time at around 2PM. Aside from the fact that we were almost late (lunch called, you know) and that we couldn’t see much since we’re tiny and in the back (and just a bit of unnecessary screaming here and there from uber-fans–but hey, I get you), the interview flowed smoothly and I loved Stephanie’s answers.

Stephanie was absolutely the sweetest person ever. She was smiling throughout the entire event and tried her best to talk to and thank every single person who attended.

Stephanie Perkins Manila
Look at her adorable “touched” face!

Since Dyan and I were at #336 and #337, we had a lot of time to spare. Believe our shock when they arranged a table for Jarred Perkins (Stephanie’s adorable husband) to start signing books! Luckily, we were near the table at that time and ran in line!

Jarrod Perkins Manila
Jarrod and I after he signed my books! (Thanks for the horrible shot, Dyan.)

So after meeting the super friendly Jarrod Perkins, we sat on the floor to wait for our numbers to be called. AND THEN THE GLORIOUS NUMBERS WERE UTTERED.

Stephanie Perkins Manila
Stephanie signing my books!

Honestly, before we got to Stephanie’s table, I began hyperventilating since I wasn’t sure I was going to have the courage to tell her what I wanted to. I know, I know! I’m a wimp.

AND THEN THE MOMENT OF TRUTH CAME. I stood in front of Stephanie and NEARLY lost my nerve. To my astonishment, I was able to mutter how much I wanted a story from Rashmi’s POV. I actually thought that she hadn’t heard me since it took her a while to answer, but she did! She said she’d love to some day, since Rashmi’s a pretty awesome character.

Finally, Stephanie finished signing my books. And I awkwardly held out my arms for a hug. IS IT OKAY NOT TO TAKE A BATH EVER AGAIN? I kid, I kid. But a hug from Stephanie Perkins. Holy crap.

Stephanie Perkins in Manila

Dyan went after me, and here’s her photo with Stephanie!

Stephanie Perkins in Manila
Dyan with Stephanie!

Overall, the event was pretty good. I also met some PH bloggers, but I wasn’t able to chat much with them and was pretty awkward when a some of them came up to me and I just stood there. Forgive me for being bad with faces, people. Your photos online must look different. :P

I met up with Nickle (Night Owl Reads), Beatrice (Confessions of a Pinay Bookaholic), Shannelle (The Art of Escapism), Kim (Divergent Gryffindor),  Francine (The Not-So-Literary Heiresses) plus the girls over at Geeky Chiquitas, Kimi, Beryl and Audrey. I hope I didn’t miss anyone! And gah! No photos. :( Well, you can check Nickle’s Instagram account for a photo with the three of us!

Can’t wait to meet up with more PH bloggers and bookworms at future events!

Aimee likes to flail and hyperventilate. A lot. Throw her in front of a famous, amazing author and you’ll get that. She also loves meeting new people (most of the time) and getting the opportunity to chat with them!

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39 thoughts on “Stephanie Perkins in Manila… Flailing!

  1. Awwww, you look all so cute and bouncy and giddy and fabulous! She does look like the sweetest author ever. Now I regret not coming!


  2. I am super glad that the signing was so much better this time around! This makes me want to attend more book signings in the near future. You and Dyan are so cute! *can I keep you both in my pockets?*


  3. Awww :) It looks like you guys enjoyed it! I’m glad that you weren’t alone and you met up with Nickle, Francine, Bea, and Shannelle :) . Perkins has a lot of fans huh? 650 ish people came? WOW :)


  4. This event sounded awesome! It’s interesting that they set up a table for Stephanie’s husband to sign! And aw Stephanie Perkins seems so nice! I’m sad I missed seeing her when she was here! Lovely pictures and recap Aimee!


  5. Yayy! I’m so glad you had fun with the interview and all (and being late is totally excusable when food is considered ;)) Haha! You look cute in every picture :) Let’s hope Rashmi will get her HEA one day :) She’s pretty kick-a! Aw, Dyan looks so cute too :) I’m glad you met with some awesome people! So jealous you guys get to meet each other all the time at these events. I wish I’d get to go to one. But someday. Someday :) Thanks for sharing, little one!


  6. It sounds like you had so much fun! And I’m so glad this signing went more smoothly for you; it’s always nice when things go just right. I love all your pictures too!


  7. Oh man, so glad you got to meet her. I would’ve jumped on a plane and gone to Manila to see her. It was so cool that her husband was also signing books! Sounds like you had a great time. :)


  8. I envy you both so much huhu and at least this event was better than ehem.. you know.. lol
    You’re so lucky you got to hug her! She so sweet :D


  9. I’m so jealous! Stephanie Perkins is definitely an author I would love to meet. I just have read and adored her books so much. I feel like I would feel overwhelmed at first and be in awe of seeing her. Hopefully I would feel comfortable afterwards though and would have a signed book to boot.

    Great pictures! You’re too lucky


  10. Awesome pictures! She seems very nice. Every fansign event I see on every blog is a picture of her smiling w/ her fans ( and at her husband). She seems very sweet & funny and I see this in her books. I can’t wait to see her at the Decatur Book Fest, I believe she’s going.


  11. I think you got the time mixed up. I arrived earlier than Shannelle. Also, I in fact did not sleep. At all. Hahaha. I was feeling so jittery when I was in line. XD and I’m totally jealous you were able to easily line up for Jarrod! And you asked Stephanie such a hood question. It would definitely be interesting to see more of Rashmi. I’m glad you had such a great time too! :D too bad we weren’t able to get pictures.


  12. Awww man, I didn’t get to see you! :( But I’m glad that you had a great time during the Stephanie Perkins signing. It’s the best one I’ve attended so far! :)


  13. Awe it looks like you had so much fun and I’m beyond jealous that you got to go to a Stephanie Perkins signing! AHHH *cue fangirling* serouisly that’s been my dream forever!


  14. Aww…looks like you had a great time Aimee! :D Glad that it ended up being a better experience than last time! Thanks for sharing your thoughts and great recap! <3


  15. Gah! You’re so lucky. Her books have been on my TBR for ages; I really need to get to them! I’ve only been to two book signing in my entire life. Yes, it’s sad.


  16. You two are so cute, I just want to eat you up! (Kinda disturbing but, oh well lol)

    I’m so glad this signing was much better compared to VTR and that staff treatment is better. That means they listen to people comments and suggestions and I appreciate that. I honestly have never read any books by Stephanie Perkins but I really want to now because she is such a lovely person, and you see how genuine she is in all the pictures! And how awesome that you also got her your books signed with her husband?! Glad you had an amazing experience Aimee and Dyan!


  17. That is awesome, Aimee! I’m glad you had so much fun, and yay! for meeting blogger friends in RL (even if they did look totally different from their pics, LOL). I’m going to my first author event at the end of the month, and I cannot wait!


  18. You’re so adorable, Aimee! Honestly, I was giggling while reading this post… in a good way, of course! I know how it feels like to be SO excited you can’t even speak. It was like that for me when I met Lauren Oliver in March (the first and probably last YA author to come to my country, haha) — everyone else was so chatty and when it was my turn to get my book signed, there was a short awkward silence because I just had NO idea what to say! Embarrassing. *hides face* But yay you for being brave! ;D

    So glad that you got to meet so many awesome bloggers, too, though WHY DIDN’T YOU TAKE PICTUREZZ. Lol, kidding. I was so flustered when I met Lauren that I forgot I wanted to take a picture with her, so I had to rush back and apologize to both her and the girl waiting in line while I got my picture taken. It doesn’t get much worse than that.

    Thanks so much for sharing, Aimee — so happy that you had such a great time, even if you had to wait ages! <3


  19. It seems like PH has a massive YA fanbase and I’m so glad you guys get to meet some really famous authors! I’ve heard lots of lovely things about this event and meeting Stephanie and Jarrod in general. Some great photos Aimee, it sounds like you were super excited and wow, a hug!


  20. Oh Aimee you are so adorable! It must have been an awesome experience meeting such an awesome author! Also, love your question.

    Thanks for the recap! <33


  21. LOL I’m dying over here!!!!!! “Thanks for horrible shot!” LOL You two are amazing friends I can say. Anyhow, this sounds amazing. *wishers* I wouldn’t bath either! I’m so glad you enjoyed. Amazing post, Aimee :)


  22. The hardcore people lined up when there’s no sun yet. We arrived around 8 am and we’re already on the 200’s. Crazy. There was also this guy who high-fived with Jarrod Perkins and he kept screaming at all the people not to touch his hand and he kept asking for a ziplock. It was hilarious.

    Anyway, I can’t seem to meet any PH bloggers in a bookish event. It’s like people conspire against meeting me because…I’m scary? Oh well. I do hope I meet you guys next time. :)


    1. Yes, exactly! :O I think about a hundred people came per hour, haha! LOL, why didn’t I see that? XD

      You should come up to us when you come across two stick-like figures. ;P


  23. I’m flattered that you mentioned that you met me, because it was more like an awkward hi on my part. >.<

    And haha, I had to get there at six so I could have someone drive me there! I was bringing a lot of books to the event, and I would rather take car than train, and my second reason was that I wanted to get home early so I can get a recap out first. I think I succeeded. XD Or maybe not, I don't know, but I just love releasing a recap at the night of the signing and getting out there while the buzz is still, well, buzzing.

    And I can't help but imagine you bring cute when blurting out about Rashmi, while me? Babbling. *facepalm*


    1. We’ll get to talk more next time, Shannelle! :D

      *shudder* I can’t imagine needing to get there at six.. That’s way too early for me! X_X And you definitely got your recap out in time!

      Psssh. We both know that Stephanie loved meeting you and getting your beautiful gift!


  24. YAY! Authors do seem to go to the Philippines quite often which means you guys are doing something right reading loads of books!! =D I totally would have been there with you, Waking up before 6 am?? Goodness gracious, so NOT my thing! I’m barely human at that time!


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