feature & follow fridays

Feature and Follow Friday is hosted by Parajunkee and Alison Can Read

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Here’s this week’s question: School is out! What is your favorite Summer Reading book??

Summer’s almost ending here, and I don’t really re-read books, so I can’t really have a favorite book that I read during summer. But, I do love books about summer. It’s that time of year when everyone’s getting lazy, so here are some of my favorite quick, fun reads.

Click the photos to be taken to the book’s Goodreads page.

1. The Lightning Thief (Percy Jackson and the Olympians) – I think this is my all-time favorite series. This series got me into Greek mythology and Percy is just hilarious.

2. Catching Jordan – Every character in this book grew on me. I love the romance and I love Sam! This one, I’ve re-read plenty of times.

3. Amy & Roger’s Epic Detour – If you’re looking for a great road trip tale with two witty characters, you have to pick this up.

What are your favorite summer reads? Leave links to your FF! 


17 thoughts on “Feature & Follow Friday (3)

    1. You haven’t read The Lightning Thief? :O You have to, it’s great! And thanks :)


  1. Ooh, I love Amy and Roger’s Epic Detour! Great pick :)
    The Lightning Thief is an awesome book, too. Perfect for the summer.
    Thanks for following Imagine a World!
    New follower via Bloglovin’ :)


  2. I’ve been wanting to read Catching Jordan for sometime now. The cover alone gives off the summer feel with the green grass, doesn’t it? Following you back via bloglovin! Thanks for the follow ;)


  3. I love The Lightning Thief and Amy & Rodger’s Epic Adventure! Both are super awesome! Haven’t read Catching Jordan yet but maybe I’ll add it to my summer reading list :)

    Thanks for stopping by my blog! I’ve followed you via Bloglovin’!

    P.S. I adore your theme. It’s absolutely amazing! The colors are fantastic!


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