Discussions & Confessions

Discussions & Confessions is a feature at Deadly Darlings where we share a discussion topic as well as a bookish confession.


How do you guys pick your next books to read? I mean, there are thousands of books out there to choose from! My Goodreads to-read list is almost a thousand books already. And every Wednesday, I go around and see all the wonderful books people are “Waiting On” and my list gets even longer!

Do you go by recommendations, or let your friends pick for you? Or do you use a TBR jar and randomly pick out a book to read next?


Ask Again LaterHow do I pick books to read? Well, of course, if there’s a hype building around a particular book, I’ll read that. This is the most common way I pick a book to read. For example, I’ve been hearing plenty of good things about Faking Normal by Courtney C. Stevens, as well as Ask Again Later by Liz Czukas, so I’ll be reading those two books next!

Sometimes, I judge books based on their covers. Of course, I have to do some research on it beforehand, but when a cover draws me in, I look up the synopsis and check out a few reviews. For example, I read Vitro by Jessica Khoury recently because I just loved the cover and I saw two four star reviews for it.

The Treatment (The Program, #2)There are other times when I feel like reading from a specific genre, so I find books to read from those! Like when I’m feeling down and want a cute contemporary to make me smile.

And lastly, sometimes I marathon series/read sequels. I absolutely hate waiting for sequels, so when a sequel comes out, I immediately jump into those once I get a copy! This is why I read Split Second recently–I really enjoyed the first one and needed more Trevor! This is also why I’ll be reading an eARC of The Treatment soon! The first one made me cry a lot and I’m in need of more feels!



How do you pick which books to read next?

59 thoughts on “Discussions & Confessions: Picking Books to Read

  1. I pick books using the same methods as you do, though I often end up with stacks of books waiting to be read, so I end up organizing my stacks according to release date, genre, or whatever is catching my interest the most. Then I read in that order or reorganize if I change my mind, which I do a lot. :)


    1. For ARCs, I usually read them by release date/archive date as well. I gave up on organizing my TBR stacks, since, just like you, my preferences change from time to time! Thanks for sharing, Jessica!


  2. Those are really good methods. A sure way to insure that you read quality books worth your time and attention.

    Confession: I hardly read synopsis’s of books because I find them a little spoiler-y, or deceiving. I use several different methods. One of them being trustful recommendations. Other times I either look up the quotes to a book, or have some fun by writing my TBR list on strips of paper and pick out of a hat.


    1. I absolutely hate deceiving synopses! Sometimes, they make you think that a novel is dark and that the girl will end up with guy 1, but then it turns out to be a pretty light novel and the girl ends up with guy 2! Those get on my nerves.

      I’ve never based my reading on some quotes, but sometimes I do read samples. Thanks for sharing, Genissa! :)


  3. It’s pretty much random random for me. ;) Although, I do pay attention to release dates on my ARCs, so I tend to read them in order. Like right now all my ARCs are coming out in April/May and I’m all like…well, what do I read next?!! HORROR. Also, it depends on which of my reserves come in at the library.


    1. Same here! Sometimes, if a particular ARC interests me more than the rest, I go into that one first. :) Ah, there aren’t a lot of libraries with YA here, so I’m stuck with whatever I can get. :(


    1. Ah, the pros and cons of ARCs, right here. I do tend to break my streak of reviewing ARCs though. Most of the time, I enjoy the books I purchase more than the ARCs I receive, so I’m thinking about requesting less books, haha!


  4. I usually pick my review books first, since I have their release dates all listed in order. I’ll read one review book at a time and then pick something else for my personal read (which might end up being a review book, but it’s rare). I’m a mood reader so I usually grab a few off the shelves that I think I might like and then sit down on the floor to read the first couple of pages. If one grabs me I’ll read that one, if not then I search through my Goodreads shelf until i find something. This year I started picking out one random kindle book to read a month as well, though this is my first month doing it officially through a meme.


    1. My Goodreads list has almost a thousand books, lol! So that isn’t much of an option for me. I mostly check my want-now and wishlist shelves for new stuff to purchase, request or download. I’m a mood reader most of the time as well. I have a few kindle books that I’ve never touched. D: Thanks for sharing, Michelle!


  5. Lately I’ve had a lot of review books, so I’ve been reading those first to get them reviewed before they are released. When it comes to my TBR list, I’m trying to catch up on series, so I read those asap!


    1. I’ve been reading more debut novels and series starters rather than sequels lately, and it’s freaking me out considering I want to finish more series! Thanks for sharing, Megan!


  6. My TBR list really is equal to an mountain. I usually read books when I receive them from publishers, in order of the date they’re released. I do slip in some books I’ve been meaning to read for ages but never gotten the chance to though. Hyped up books definitely do get on my radar and I try to read those ones too. :)

    Great discussion Aimee!


    1. I know right? I think I have around 60+ or so unread physical books. :( There are TONS of books I need to read but still haven’t D; Thanks for sharing, Larissa! <3


  7. I too don’t like to wait for a sequel. As soon as one comes out BOOM I read it. I don’t want around and read other books. I’ll also read popular books to see what everyone is talking about. I don’t request any review copies because I have enough to read anyways!!


  8. Isn’t it hard to pick your next book?!? A lot of what I read is influenced by what’s being released next from my review pile, but I often stray because I cant help myself. :) When that happens, I’m almost exclusively a mood reader. I often find myself in the mood for fantasy or contemporary, and then sometimes I pick things up because they pop up online somewhere and remind me that I wanted to read it desperately. And you know, I don’t think I’ve ever marathoned a series? Great post Aimee!


    1. That’s exactly why I love following people on Goodreads and on book blogs–whenever new reviews are posted, I realize that there’s a book I’ve been meaning to read for ages! Oh, and I do hope you try marathoning a series! <3


  9. I normally choose what I read by looking at my google calendar to see which book I have coming up next for review, when I am ahead, I normally pick a non review copy. Ask Again Later is so good! I hope you like it :)

    Awesome post, hun! <33


  10. It is hard to decide on the next read sometimes! Finishing series, especially marathoning it makes it easy to decide, but if I’m trying to find something new, I often look at my bookcase and see what I haven’t read yet, and then pick the one I most feel like reading. I do like the idea of a TBR jar though, I might have do that some time!


    1. I hate it when I buy a ton of books because they seemed interesting at the time, and then they just sit on my shelf and never get picked up. D: That happens a lot though, so this summer I might try to clean up some of my TBR! Thanks for sharing, Charlene!


  11. I have tried so many different ways to pick books, ARCs by pub date, writing them all down on pieces of paper and picking them from a jar, by alphabetical order…now it’s more of a mood thing but I’ve been seriously slumping since new year so picking up a book is becoming a chore where scares me to death! I mean you mentioned Split Second above, I read Pivot Point back in the summer in one sitting and have been aching for months for Split Second and now…haven’t even bought the book! I think I need to do a Harry Potter reread or something to get the enthusiasm back and then picking up books might be more fun whatever method I choose. Boy this was a depressing comment lol!


    1. I freaking hate reading slumps! I haven’t given any book 5 stars this year. T_T And I agree that picking new books is really hard! ‘Cause it needs to be awesome, you know? And if it isn’t you just feel like you’ve wasted your time. :( Anyway, thanks for sharing, Danielle, and I hope you get out of your slump! :)


  12. We are quite similar with picking books to read! Great minds think alike :D
    I am looking forward to The Treatment because I just finished The Program.
    I really enjoyed this post, Aimee! And thanks again for adding me to your blogroll!


    1. Lol! <3 So excited for The Treatment, but I can't download it on my phone 'cause I'm out of memory. :( Now I can only read it on my laptop *dies*. Thanks as well, and no problem! :D


    1. I know, right? I’m trying to schedule my reads but sometimes I get behind or too much ahead, and sometimes I buy some books in between scheduled ones! So I’m giving up on that tactic, lol!


  13. Hmmm, it’s hard for me. I don’t really have a criteria regarding which books to read next. I’m pretty spontaneous and impulsive. I have books on my shelves, on my laptop, on my kindle, and on my tablet, and whatever mood I’m in, I’ll just select one among these and read whatever’s there and hope that it will catch my interest long enough to see through it (I have started so many books but have yet to finish the like 3/4 of them, lol!) There are some that I will automatically read as soon as I get my hands on them, and they are usually sequels. But other than that, my preferences and tastes vary depending on my mood :))

    Faye @ The Social Potato


    1. About half of my TBR pile is of books I’ve already tried but never got into! D: I have books everywhere as well, and sometimes it makes it harder to pick what to read lol! So I usually read one physical book along with one on my phone. Go mood readers! :D


  14. I pick books based on my mood :) I read several books at the same time, so let’s say I’m reading a fantasy and I want a dystopian, I will pick a book in that genre. I like switching things up!


    1. Same here, lol! I usually read three at a time: one physical book and one ebook for myself, and one book for school. ^_^ Ah, I see! Maybe I should try that as well. Thanks for sharing, Mel!


  15. The good thing about having such an extensive TBR is that you’ll never run out of books to read! I usually just pick up any books I happen upon so it’s not really as cool and fun as some other ways of doing it. There’s a fun website I found a while ago called What Should I Read Next (or something like that) and I don’t know if you’ve heard of it but it’s specifically designed to help you pick your next book. I don’t really use it but it looked interesting!


    1. Yes, indeed! But sometimes I just don’t feel like reading any of the books I own. D: Maybe I should check that website out, Annie! Thanks for sharing! :)


  16. Mostly, I go with my mood too. I pick a book that I feel like I could love at the moment. If I’m feeling happy-go-lucky, I pick a jolly, fluffy read. If I feel like immersing myself in a completely different world, I choose something that seems like it will really pull me in. From then on, I’ll have to rely on what others say about that book I want to read at the time so I guess my choices are half based on my personal interest and also on what others’ opinions are. :)

    I’m so excited for you to read Ask Again Later and Faking Normal btw! I’ll be crossing my fingers and toes that you like them!


    1. Go mood readers! But of course, I still have to check goodreads ratings and a few reviews, even if the book sounds interesting to me. :)

      I already finished both and loved them, especially Faking Normal! <3


  17. I pick books very similarly to the way you do, hah. For my TBR shelf, I rely on friends, blurbs, past experience with author, and yep, sometimes pretty pretty covers. I don’t really do the “I need to read more of this genre,” though. I feel like I read cross a pretty wide variety already, and I’m a mood reader, so I can’t force myself to go through stuff I’m not enjoying.

    Wendy @ The Midnight Garden


    1. Ah, of course! Some authors go to my auto-buy and auto-read lists if I really enjoyed their previous novels. :) There are a lot of genres I haven’t read from, but I don’t force myself to read from those if I feel like a specific genre for some time. Thanks for sharing, Wendy!


  18. Your method of choosing books is definitely a lot more efficient compared to mine! Usually, I try to pick the book that I have to review next depending on when it’s coming out and stuff. Or well, if someone is really forcing me to read a book, then I’ll read it too! I try to make sure I actually feel like reading it though because I can get into slumps pretty easily. ><


    1. Lol! I do easily succumb to peer pressure. x_x I often have reading slumps as well, and I go around checking for hyped books to get me pumped to read! Thanks for sharing, Laura!


  19. I also generally decide based on hype and the cover / synopsis. I usually also check the goodreads avg rating. If it’s rather high then I have even more reason to pick that book up quickly!


  20. Sometimes I just pick books at randomly on my tbr shelf haha. That shelf isn’t actually very long since I keep it updated as I remove the “unlikely to like” books. Right now I’m focusing on the physical books I already bought on my bookshelf. I really need to cut that list down first =)


  21. Sometimes I also pick the book which is currently popular or being recommended a lot. Otherwise, I will just pick whatever is available near me.

    Or, I pick the book with the same genre that I have previously finished especially if I like that book.


  22. I normally read in bed and I’m lazy, so I tend to grab the book that’s closest to me xD I don’t really have a favorite genre, and I try not to look into reviews on books and their goodreads pages too much before I read, so I really don’t have a system. I tried sticking to a schedule before, but I kinda wandered away from it after the first few days because, look at all the pretty, shiny books I’ve planned for next week *O*

    Oops? xD


    1. Haha! My shelf are all pretty far since they’re outside my room. D: And I’m super unorganized, so schedules won’t work, plus I’m easily tempted by new books as well! xD


  23. Not gonna lie, the cover often plays a big part in my decision to read, haha. It’s one of the reasons I waited so long to read Anna and the French Kiss – I had heard that it was adorable from other bloggers, but I hated the cover. The redesigned ones are so pretty though, so I picked up a copy as soon as it was re-released!

    But I’m a big mood reader, so I generally grab whatever piques my interest the most as I’m perusing my shelves.


  24. I really have no way of picking a book. It changes EVERY single time.
    For example, I chose the book I am currently reading because I am meeting the author on Friday.
    The book before that one, I chose because it was a review book.
    The three before that I read because they were in series I like, and I simply wanted to read them.
    It ALL DEPENDS on the most random of things. Did I recently read a book in the same series? Do I simply want to read it because I’ve been wanting to for ages? Do I need a review up by a certain date? All these things influence it, as well as mood. My choosing a book is never an easy thing, that is for sure!
    I have contemplated things like TBR jars, and lists, but because of my mood reading, I know that these will not work.
    I’ve just got to take it one book at a time!


    1. Hahaha! Same here, pretty much. ^_^ I tried making a TBR jar once, but after I picked out the first book I just KNEW that it wasn’t going to work out. xD So many things to consider before picking up a book! Sometimes it takes me more time to pick a book than to actually read it, lol! ;P


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