Bookish Community

Despite being fairly moody and having a really short temper, the smallest things can totally make my day. Today, I wanted to share with you guys some things from the bookish community that make me smile (and giggle, and possibly blush)!


Whether you agree or disagree with me, I totally love hearing your thoughts! I feel giddy knowing people READ my content and actually want to respond to it! Thank you. <3


I check my Goodreads VERY often, and some people just send me the sweetest friend requests! In real life, not many people tell me that I’m funny, or that I’m insightful, or that I look downright awesome. When I get friend requests or messages telling me these things, my heart gives a little leap!


I take book recommendations and peer pressure reads very seriously. When I end up discovering a new favorite because of a random tweet or Goodreads rec–I instantly love the person who recommended the book to me!


Being an extremely emotional reader with no other reading buddies at home, I take all my feelings out on Twitter and Goodreads. When someone replies to me, sharing their own feels and/or being sources of moral support–THANK YOU. My heart needs it.


Yes, I’m making rant-bags a thing now. I can be very ranty when it comes to both books and personal life, and I’m so glad I have all of you wonderful people to rant to–and you’re okay with it! You can’t see me, but I’m holding my arms out for a hug right now. <3


It’s the middle of the year, you guys! I hope you could take a little time to answer this very quick survey for us. Thank you. :)


So. What has the bookish community done to make you smile? :)


About Aimee

Aimee loves being a little bookworm (okay–she doesn’t like being little). She also loves chocolates and sweets but is freaked out by the thought of possibly getting diabetes.

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94 thoughts on “5 Things the Bookish Community Does to Make Me Smile + Mid-Year Blog Survey

  1. I’m ALWAYS Here if you want to rant girl! Your ranty posts always make me smile because most of what you talk about, I’ve gone through so I can definitely relate! Also, I need to get on Goodreads more… hehe *gives you a tackle hug right back!* :)


  2. Totally agree with you, especially with #1, #3, #4! Getting comments always make my day and I like leaving them because I want to let the bloggers know that I read their posts. But alas, life or other stuff often gets in the way, so I haven’t been commenting as much as I used to be. And yes to book rec’s!!! I’m usually more likely to pick up a book that my bloggy friends love/fangirl over/push to me ^^


    1. I AGREE SO MUCH. I’ve been EXTREMELY busy lately, and I’ve only been able to comment on a handful of blogs every couple of days. :( Same! Especially if it’s a rec from a friend whose tastes are similar to mine. :)


  3. I ADORe all of your ranty posts and posts like this remind me how much I love the book blogging community. Also rant-bags sound like they’re going to be the next big thing. xD


  4. Your rants and basically anything that’s you is awesome! I’m here when you need to rant, or cry because a book is just so bad its killing you. xD xD xD


  5. Good Book World Things: Randomly @-ing me on Twitter saying sweet things, fun Twitter chats, being able to rant or rave with people who love books, the brilliant content on SOOO many blogs, defending people against injustice,& book events that I can go to!


    1. I LOVE THIS LIST! People who randomly tweet at me saying they miss me, or just wondering how I am totally make my day. :) Twitter chats help me discover a lot of new people as well! And when I read a good post: asdfghjkl. Book events are the best! <3

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Those are all awesome things :D It really can be such a great community and so fun to be a part of :D


  7. All of the above! It’s nice to have someone to share the feels. It’s kinda lonesome that sometimes we’re containing our excitement because we don’t have anyone who can understand us; why I think it’s imperative to share your feelings about the things you enjoy! And you my girl, always leave cheerful blog comments (how you managed multiple blogs is beyond me! Aimee, the super girl! <3)


    1. I know! I do have a few school friends who read, but I typically read at home where I have basically no one to talk to. >_< Aw thanks so much, Mitchii! <3 We seriously have to meet in person one day because… we just should!


  8. I totally agree about the ranting/crying/flailing! I don’t have many people in “real life” that read, or even get invested in books like I do, so being able to go on Twitter is fantastic!


    1. Isn’t it the best thing?? I can only rant/cry/flail to school friends, but it’s tough since they mostly only read the mainstream books. >_<


  9. I LOVE three, too! It’s like the best thing about being a blogger. I’ve always loved comments, but I’m surprised you still do considering how many you get! I feel like at this point you’d be like “I don’t have time for all of you stoptalkingtomeee!”


  10. This is such a cute post omg. I’ve answered your form, and you know I’m kidding in the last answer, right? I LOVE YOU GUYS <3 Goodreads and Twitter personal messages are the best! They make me cry. In the good kind of way, of course.


  11. Love this post and I so agree! Recommendations, comments and fangirling together are the best parts of book blogging!


  12. <3 <3 <3 You are such an amazing coblogger Aimee, and I couldn't ask for anyone better. Thank you for all the work you do, and for being such an amazing friend on top of everything else. Love ya girlie! xx


  13. It is now my life goal to be a rant-bag ;) That’s kind of the funnest, most hilarious term ever. And I totally agree- the community always makes me smile with those things too! I love us <3


  14. Getting blog comments is one of the best feelings (lame, but true). I think it’s great having proof right there that people are visiting my blog. :)
    The fangirling and raging is perfect, too, hehe.


    1. I love the assurance, too. :) And it’s awesome that people would spend a minute or two of their busy lives to tell me what’s on their minds. :)


  15. Yes to all of these!! I love getting blog comments. It brightens my day so much. Getting nice emails and messages and tweets of people saying they love my blog is just the best. I smile for a good hour afterwards :) I love when we can all cry and fangirl together. That’s what we bookish community ones do best ;D Lovely post <3


    1. I KNOW. Like, stop it or I’m going to melt into a puddle of love. ;D This community is THE BEST when we all settle our differences and get along doing what we all do best: fangirling. ;)


  16. Yes! I love getting new recommendations from other bloggers, and fangirling over favourite reads really brings the community together in a great way :) Awesome post Aimee!


  17. I adore you Aimee!!!! I couldn’t agree with your list more, and it’s so nice to see some positive things people are taking away from this community instead of negatives. I LOVE blog comments, they’re the best, and since the beginning it’s been how I’ve found new blogger friends. Yes, Twitter is more of a conversation, but the comments are what make me feel like I’m part of a community of win:)


    1. It’s been the same way with me, Jenny! I’ve met so many awesome people just because they left a tiny comment on my blog or because I left one on theirs. <3


  18. Was so tempted to pick ‘The Ocean’ option. XD

    Getting recommendations from other blogger’s who have a similar taste and finding your new favourite book is definitely one of the best aspects of this community. And blog comments are always awesome, because its nice to know that people are actually paying attention to what you write, and that you’re not just typing into the endless internet void.


    1. Girl, you don’t know how many people clicked on that option. xD
      EXACTLY. I can’t believe I was afraid to open my blog up publicly when I first started out–interaction is the best thing about this community!


  19. Legit same to all of this. I can get really ranty and I typically take it to twitter because it looks bad in a blog post. but sometimes it escapes me and i get ranty in a blog post. aimee, i love your personality on twitter and on the blog. i’m not very acquainted with the other bloggers on deadly darlings but i would love to get to know y’all!


  20. YUP YUP YUP CHECK CHECK CHECK! I love this community so much and I love that I get to fangirl with everyone! I’m an only child with friends that don’t like to read (IK HOW AM I EVEN FRIENDS WITH THEM, RIGHT?!) so the book blogging community is the best, and I love chatting with you Aimee! <3 :)


    1. Woohoo, Emily! :D Luckily I have a few friends who read, but they’re not as updated with new books as the people in this community are! Thanks so much–y’all are making me blush. <3


  21. Recs that work out are THE BEST. I do instantly love the person for sharing a great book with me. But, even if it doesn’t wow me, I don’t hold it against the person, obviously. BUT, I always look to find books we do have in common.


  22. Aw this was the sweetest. I haven’t even blogged for a full month yet for the community is so fun :D I love getting book recs and reading reviews even though I don’t always agree :D


  23. Rant bags is going to be what Fetch couldn’t, make it happen Aimz!

    I love most of the blogging community, the friendships, the discussions, and just being able to chat about anything, not just books. I love you darling poppets <3


  24. Getting comments on the blog (with a solid content) is the best feeling! I love it when people show their appreciation for my posts :) and fangirling with other book lovers is of course the one thing that binds us together as community :D


  25. All the YESES! Every time I think I might quit blogging, I realize that if I did, I’d have no one to talk to about certain stuff I can’t talk to anyone else about. And then what would I do? Comments, friend requests, Twitter chains and Instagram likes and comments — all those keep me going!
    Jen @ YA Romantics


    1. I haven’t come to the point where I wanted to quit blogging, but there are definitely A LOT of things I would miss if that ever happens! <3


  26. Love this post, Aimee! You’re so right, there are so many things that make blogging rewarding. And the interaction within the internet world is unreal. It’s amazing how friendly and supportive everyone can be. :) And LOL, I always feel like inside all readers there’s an inner fangirl/fanboy with an extra side of rant-iness.


    1. I completely agree. :) I can’t believe I was scared to be a part of this community when I first started out! I am a HUGE ranter. Sometimes I feel like I rant more than I rave. xD

      Liked by 1 person

  27. #4 for suuuuure! It’s so nice to have other people cry/fangirl/drown in feels with :DD Though I love the list ;) I’m definitely happy that I joined the blogging community (and very happy I met you and your blog!!)

    ps. I keep forgetting, but I sorta quoted you in my review of Uprooted! Hope that’s okay! (I credited and linked you – it’s just that line was soooo perfect haaha)


  28. Most of these make me happy as well, especially comments. Every comment make me happy, it’s nice to know people read your post and like it enough to leave a comment. Or share it on social media, that makes me happy too. Although I don’t get a lot of direct recommendations, I have add a lot of books to my to-read list thanks to seeing them featured on another blog. And indeed being able to share your feels and love for books or a specific book or series with others is one of the best things in the book community. It’s also ncie to have people who listed to your rants. Great post!


    1. Oh, yes! When someone shares my post on social media, I feel extra awesome. :) My TBR list is huge because of bloggers and Twitter people. <3 Thanks, Lola!


  29. I love being ranty with other bloggers too. So fun to rag on books and life in general. And I have found the most amazing books based on recommendations from bloggers.


  30. Naww! This is such a sweet post. I have to say that I LOVE getting comments on my posts. It’s probably my favourite thing, but have fangirling/ranting moments with my blogging buddies is the best too. No one in my real life read books, and they think I’m crazy for getting emotional over them. Knowing that there are like-minded people out there means the world to me. <3


    1. I have bookish friends, but they totally judge me for being an emotional reader. :/ So glad there are people in this community who get me!


      1. Exactly! Even my family doesn’t understand it. Don’t know what I do without this community.


  31. Awww!! You’re so sweet!! I love that I get the BEST recs from the community. It is really great that there are so many bloggers and readers who share their honest opinions to help narrow down the choices out ont he shelves!


  32. I love your ranty posts LOL that make me laugh even if I might not agree with them sometimes, I find negative reviews hilarious. I agree with #3, I love recommendations from others too, I love how you have organized this post too. It shows how dedicated you are to make your blog beautiful :D


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