
Nerd Rage is a series of bookish problems and nerdy rants.

Sometimes I feel like such an obsessive reader–I spend hours and hours doing nothing but reading on some days. And on those reading marathon days, there are a few problems I come across, namely:

1. You spend so much time sitting and reading that your butt aches. Don’t laugh–it’s true! Sometimes I don’t even realize that I’ve been reading so long until my arse starts to numb and I need a quick reading break to walk. No matter how fluffy the seat is, this always happens to me. Dammit, butt, for stopping me from my reading!

Also applicable: Your eyes end up getting tired and you just want to curl into a ball and sleep, but you just need to read.

2. You realize that you haven’t bathed/eaten/slept. This is basically me, every day. Especially when there are no classes. I end up taking a shower before dinner. And my parents always get annoyed by how I always almost miss meals because I’ve been reading! I personally haven’t lost sleep, but I have sacrificed a lot of naps!

Also applicable: You forget to do work/homework/chores. You forget to do life.

3. You start talking to book characters. When I’m happy, annoyed, mad, or basically feel anything, I end up talking to the book characters, and people look at me funny. I could say things from “Stop being so hot,” to “Fuck you quit flirting!” I don’t know if I’m the only one who does this, but I can’t be, right?

Also applicable: The book character starts talking to you.


Are you an obsessive reader? Have you experienced any of these?


About Aimee

Aimee loves being a little bookworm (okay–she doesn’t like being little). She also loves chocolates and sweets but is freaked out by the thought of possibly getting diabetes.

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84 thoughts on “Three Problems Obsessive Readers Can Relate To

  1. Haha,I am guilty of everything stated above! I find it really hard to find a correct position to read,the body part which suffers is my neck.I always get neck pains when I read,which I don’t realize while I am reading,but when I finish the book the pain comes in full force.And don’t let me start on the butt issue:)
    And the third one,so true!I’ve always worried whether I was the only one with the habit.Glad to know I am not.I have imaginary conversations with book characters-where they reply back-which turns a bit awkward if someone else enters the room:)


    1. Yes! Sometimes it’s my neck, sometimes it’s my back, but most often it’s my butt that suffers, haha.
      I have the habit of doing it even when there are people around the house. They’re all, “Who are you talking to?” and then I point to the book and they roll their eyes…


  2. Haha, that’s fantastic!! I do all three of these for sure. Especially talking to the characters- I do it ALL the time and look insane. I figure if people can yell at TV and people think it’s fine, I can yell at my books or give the characters advice!


  3. These problems all happen to me, especially the butt aches problem! It happens a lot to me when I’m reading, and when it do happen, usually I would start walking while reading (I’m such a weirdo, aren’t I?)
    Also, you’re not the only one who did the talking-to-book-characters! Eventhough, to be honest, I’m actually just talking in my head, but it’s still considered as talking, right?

    Anyway, great post, Aimee :)


    1. I actually walk while reading at the mall, so no issues there. ;)
      It totally is! I’m just one of the weirdos who have to say stuff out loud, haha. :D\
      Thanks, Tiffany!


  4. These all happen to me! Whenever I’m reading, I have to keep shifting positions, and more often than not my foot falls asleep. D: I once spent the whole day curled up on the couch reading, and it wasn’t until my parents called me for dinner that I realized I hadn’t eaten since breakfast. Oops.
    You’re definitely not the only one who talks to book characters. I give the characters proper advice, and then get annoyed when they inevitably don’t listen to me. My friends have learned that when I yell, “but why would you do that?!” it’s usually not directed at them, haha.


    1. Same here! There is just no comfortable reading position for me, haha! And I can’t skip lunch/dinner because I get crazy hungry and my stomach growls, but I’ve skipped breakfast a ton of times! YES, sometimes I just have to say, “WHY DIDN’T YOU LISTEN TO ME?” every nice in a while. ;) No matter how many times I do it, my family still asks me who I’m talking to. xD


  5. Oh goodness. You sum up my life so well. (For the record, this is equally valid for writing.)

    For example at this very moment I should be brushing my teeth and going to sleep but NOPPPEEEE. And my butt doesn’t hurt, but that’s because I’m sitting on my foot instead and my foot does hurt. And oh goodness, talking to characters. So horrible. I talk to my own chars something like this, “Okay, so you’ll subvert this trope, and totally be awesome here, okay?” And they sort of just stare back at me and be like, “Seriously? Nope.”

    Dammit, that made zero sense. This is why I stay off Tumblr at night.


    1. Yep! Right now I should be going off to drink my vitamins but… yeah, that can wait. ;) Also talking to characters takes up a quarter of my day, seriously! I get so frustrated when they don’t listen to me! XD


  6. Haha true!! Everything you wrote is so true! My butt always falls asleep when I’m sitting for a long time and it sucks. I do forget to eat or drink when I’m reading and my stomach/whole body doesn’t like that. But I don’t talk TO the characters, but I’m guilty of talking ABOUT them like they are real (Wait.. Hold up… They are real right?!) in such a pasionate way that people have to ask me multiple times if I’m talking about someone the know or not.. Ooops


    1. Yes! And then I’d either have to stand up or find a more comfortable reading position (which is impossible).
      I do that too! Especially when I’m talking about Percy Jackson. We’ll meet eventually. ;)


    1. Hehe, thanks, Jenny! :) I have so much trouble reading while I’m lying down! I can only do that when I’mm reading ebooks. o_o Yes! What the heck is reality!? :)


    1. I can only read on my bed when it’s an ebook. ;) For physical books, I have to get up and stretch!
      I end up going to sleep at 2 AM because of reading. This is not good for a high school student, haha!
      Thanks so much, Bea! <3


  7. My back is usually the one that feels the pain first because I’m usually laid up in bed when I read. :) I love reading outdoors, but damn, that sunlight puts me to sleep.


  8. I’m guilty of all 3 oops! Sometimes I’m eating breakfast and reading an ebook at the same time and I forget to finish eating and when I finally come to, I have to run to the bus stop haha. I’m not usually aware that I’m talking to characters until I stop lol kinda like when you’re talking to yourself and you’re like “why am I even talking to myself?”.

    Also, do you ever just gain strength from thinking about a strong character? Like for me, when I’m stressed out I think “I am Daenerys Stormborn of House Targaryen, the Unburnt, Mother of Dragons, khaleesi to Drogo’s riders, and queen of the Seven Kingdoms of Westeros” or any other strong character and I feel invincible. Very weird but it works.


    1. Same here! That’s why sometimes it takes me 2 hours to eat… oops. D: Although I’m aware that I speak to characters, haha!
      I have never tried that, but I feel extra confident when we have character cosplay days in school!


  9. Haha these are amazingly accurate. Especially avoiding chores, etc. I’ll end up waiting until 2 or 3 in the morning before going to bed before showering b/c I’m too into reading. And I definitely talk to the characters sometimes though I try to make sure no one is around… :P


    1. Yes! I used to sleep at say 11 pm, now it’s 1-2 am. D: I have to talk to the characters, even if there’s someone in the room with me, haha! I make sure it’s someone I know though. ;)


  10. I’ve lost so much sleep from reading. It used to be more of a problem. Now I’m so fatigued that I’ll just pass out after reading a mere 10 pages at night xD Some weekends I’ll spend it binge-reading and then realize I hadn’t taken a shower… It freaks me out so much because I love cleanliness. Whenever I read I tend to forget about it though xD I don’t talk to characters, rather I shout and yell commands at them… Lovely post!


    1. Same here! My eyes tire so easily these days, haha. I’m actually a lazy bather, but it’s HORRIBLE realizing it’s already night time and you haven’t showered yet! xD Yelling = yep.


  11. I definitely talk through book scenes and will act out how I want a book to go or a movie or tv series but best of all I can now do so for my own books lol 😄


  12. I’ve definitely experienced feeling my eyes droop and get all sleepy, but I’ve always continued regardless depending on where in the story I am :)) Once, I felt like I just had to finish it that when I went to sleep, it was already 6 AM! My parents were not happy with me that day.

    Faye at The Social Potato


    1. Me too! No matter how heavy my eyes get, I need to keep going haha. ;) 6 am!? Well there was once I woke up at 4 am, started reading until 7… and then fell asleep right after. :)


  13. #2 is MY LIFE. I always end up showering at like 11pm or at times Midnight because I’m too busy reading. This also happens to me when Netflix binging xD


  14. Haha. I wouldn’t call myself an obsessive reader.
    I do hate it when you’re in public reading and someone wants to talk to you though. To me, a book is a big “do not disturb” sign.


  15. hahaha I’ve definitely gone by a few hours of sleep especially when the book has been so addicting and I’ve been like a zombie the next day at work. I actually really miss my days when I could lounge around and read all the time! I certainly don’t miss the numb butt! ;)


  16. Oh my gosh, #1 – the struggle is REAL. I don’t get up though, I just change positions xD The tired eyes thing gets me a lot too, especially if I’m reading in contacts and sometimes I’ll get a massive headache. LOL love the crossed out on #3. I can’t say that I’ve ever done that though, probably because I’m never really alone so I feel like people would really worry about my sanity xD


    1. YES, haha. But the numb butt doesn’t go away for me until I get up. xD And my eyes hurt all the time, since all day I basically just read and blog… Hehe, thanks! :D I do it all the time… at home. I’m okay with my family thinking I’m weird, since I already scream at the TV. xD


  17. HA! Okay, I might not start talking to book characters but I do spend much time creating sceneries with them as lead actors in my mind, when lying on my bad and waiting for sleep to come ahha!! Buuuut yeah, a butt’s worst enemy is a book ;)


  18. Not so much the forgetting to shower anymore, since my reading is done at night after I’ve worked all day, but definitely the third one! My mom and sister are hesitant to let me read while they have the TV going now, because I’m constantly talking to the book xD I think they’re entertained by it though, so I guess that’s a bonus.


    1. Bahaha! People in our house would look at me and go, “Who are you talking to?” I’d point at my book and they’d laugh. Perfect entertainment. ;)


  19. HAHAHA OMG NUMBER ONE. I 100% agree with that one when I’m sitting in a chair. And when reading in bed, finding that perfect position to read comfortably in- so difficult.


    1. I’m sitting on a chair right now, and my butt is turning numb! xD I can’t read in bed unless I’m reading on my Kindle. Physical books in bed are hopeless!


  20. My biggest problem is that there are no comfortable chairs in the kitchen, so I will put pots to cook on the stove and go into the living room to read. The next thing you know I will smell burning food. A couple of times the smoke alarm has gone off. When my eyes get tired, or my neck starts hurting while reading a really good book on my Kindle, I will turn on the “text-to-speech” and suffer through listening to the horrible robotic voice. The male voice is less annoying than the female voice for some reason. Lol.


    1. Any chair, no matter how soft, will make my butt numb. xD Haha, I only cook quick meals, so I don’t read in the middle of them. Lucky me. ;) I’ve never tried the text-to-speech function since listening = not my thing. xD


  21. Guilty of everything on this list! Especially the talking to characters part (don’t worry – you’re not the only one). My mum thinks I’m absolutely crazy but I can’t help it if Peter K is just so CUTE and funny and HOT. I need to express my feelings to him sometimes.


  22. I do the first one but not the others xD I haven’t actually talked to a book character before, sometimes I curse at them when I’m reading but other times not really. Cute post overall :)


  23. Oh. My. Goodness. It’s like you are in my mind! I am seriously embarrassed because my butt ALWAYS HURTS and I don’t want to tell anyone! And yes, 100% to the other two also! You should SEE the state of my bedroom- I haven’t put my clothes away in ages, it’s just hampers upon hampers of clean clothes! And I do number 3 WAYYYY too much. Like, maybe I have a problem ;) This is kind of the best post I have read in a LOOOONG time. SO TRUE!


  24. My big ass agrees to your number one, very much. Hahahahaha! Basically everything on this list is me. I forget about the time, my place is a mess (and thank goodness my folks don’t live with me or I won’t ever hear the end of it) and I often forget to eat proper meals. I’d be eating my meals during the wrong time while reading just to get the hunger out of the way. Though, when is eating even supposed to be scheduled? Hahahaha! And oh good lord, don’t even get me started on talking to fictional people, as if talking to my furniture is not even enough weirdness yet. xD

    This post is so much fun! Great post, Aimee! :D


  25. You spend so much time sitting and reading that your butt aches <- This so much! If I'm doing a long read, I like to lie in bed or a couch to reduce the pressure, haha.
    Oh and reading waaaaaaaaaay too late into the night, even though you know you'll probably be waaaay tired in the morning and you'll regret it when you have to get up, but you can't put the book down, ha.

    Great post, Aimee!


    1. Couches do not reduce the butt ache for me. xD And lying down only works for ebooks. xD
      I fell asleep at 2:30 am last night reading! Argh. xD


  26. OMG #2 is a SERIOUS problem for me! I can’t tell you how many meals I skip/push off until late into the night because I’ve spent all my time reading and didn’t want to stop. And the sleep I’ve missed? Could fill up weeks. Haha.

    I think most of us can relate to all three of these! I know I sure do. :)


  27. Pingback: Istyria Book Blog
  28. I have definitely experienced these things XD

    I broke my tailbone when i was about sixteen, and then again when I was nineteen, so I have HEAPS of problems with it. The worst one being I can’t sit in a reclined position for too long otherwise it starts to ache REALLY BADLY, and actually hurts T.T So if I read ALL day in the same position, I’m actually in pain by the end of it, which totally sucks.

    I pretty much forget human necessities when I am super sucked into a book, and can pretty much cease to exist except in the act of reading.

    I don’t OFTEN say things to characters, but I am known to give them glares and roll my eyes at super sucky things they say or do. It’s hard to keep my feels in all the time XD


    1. That sounds incredibly painful. o_o I like sitting in a reclined position, but then that makes me really dizzy and I end up sitting up instead. Ha, glares and eye rolls are stuff I enjoy doing myself. ;)


  29. I can relate most to the first one, when I am really engrosed in my book I just keep sitting in the same position and then everything hurts once I do move. Often my but or my legs, I tend to sit in weird positions. I am too much of a workaholic to forget my work and I take a shower every morning before breakfast so I can’t really forget it, I like my routines. Although when I still had school I tend to forget things in summer vacation when I just wanted to read.


  30. THE SECOND ONE OMG. Sometimes my parents will be like, what you doing? you need FOOOOOOD. And I’ll deliberately put down my book really slowly and turn into a dragon. It’s terrifying what happens because I’m usually a chill person. Sort of.


  31. I can relate to some of these! Personally I have stopped reading for very long hours (unless I have a very VERY great book) but I try to take hour breaks and do mini workouts as punishment for continuously working, and to make sure I am moving around :P I usually continue reading afterwards if the book is good enough anyway. Oh, and when I am feeling very nervous about something, I try to think of a book character who would be able to cope with the situation and can relate, and it usual comforts me somewhat :)


    1. Haha! I am one of the laziest persons ever, and workouts will NOT work for me. :P
      Aw, that’s so awesome! I’ve heard other people do that too. :)


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